Reviews of His to Dare

Perry’s never been closeted about his sexuality…but that doesn’t mean he wants to talk about it. There are just some things he shouldn’t have to discuss with family or strangers. But when his need to keep his kinks private and his desire to submit come to a head, he finds himself having to explain his passion for humiliation and submission to the one person he never expected…his brother.

Reviews of His to Dare by M.A. Innes

Niki O reviewed on Feb. 3, 2023

MA Innes is on my list of must reads.

I enjoyed this one, but was not one of my absolute most faves.
Still love her and will read everything :)
(reviewed 22 days after purchase)
Caiacassiopeia reviewed on Jan. 19, 2023

liked it
(reviewed 4 months after purchase)
Smut Librarian reviewed on April 11, 2022

A good read with plenty of steam and good interaction between the characters.
(reviewed 23 days after purchase)