Reviews of The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success

Learn the 30 best practices of the bestselling self-published ebook authors. This updated January 2014 edition of the The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success has already helped tens of thousands of self-published ebook authors publish more professionally. This ebook is a must-read for every writer, author, publisher and literary agent.

Reviews of The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success by Mark Coker

Pops reviewed on Feb. 29, 2016

After reading Mr. Coker's book on how to format my manuscript for Smashwords, I almost gave up on self publishing because that process was too complicated. However, I feel much better about marketing my book using the advice he presents here. I do wonder if all these tips will actually add up to the sale of books. I'd like to see thsi book updated with hard data on actual book sales on Smashwords, iBooks and B&N. There's a lot of 'stuff' out there in the media on how Amazon is dominating the market. It seems Apple and B&N are not being too aggressive about capturing the eBook market. Sorry in advance if this hurts anyone's feelings, but here on Smashwords, I don't see much in the way of best sellers. The most downloaded books are published 4 or 5 years ago. The 'highest rated' books seem to have lots of reviews that could be written by friends. Maybe the business aspects of this website would benefit from a facelift.
(review of free book)
Prasant Nair reviewed on Sep. 2, 2014

Sorry to have given an example how that book's sale jumped to 100 copies/day.... is it really true because I never experienced such a thing?

Reader's psychology seems to be only one - 'download whenever free'... never look at the same book when a price is added....

Why most of the marketing tips looks brilliant in books, none work in reality?
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Geetanjali Mukherjee reviewed on Jan. 4, 2014

Packed with useful tips, I was pleasantly surprised by how useful this book is. I am still working through the suggestions, doing as Mark suggests, to implement the easy tips first. I highly recommend this to any author of e-books, not necessary only for those published on Smashwords.
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Ayla Pendragon reviewed on May 23, 2013

Lu en anglais, critique en français.

Un ebook intéressant, je suppose. Certaines évidences, mais surtout des moments de réalisation. Comme les habitudes des acheteurs, les prix à apposer son livre et le marketing de livre électronique.

Pour quelqu'une comme moi qui a beaucoup de difficulté à faire les premiers pas vers les autres, IRL ou dans la vie virtuelle, il y a abordé plusieurs trucs de façon assez vague. C'est sûrement pour nous redirigé vers son autre ebook gratuit, aussi, Smashwords Book Marketing Guide. Livre électronique qui sera ma prochaine lecture.

Je patauge dans l'écriture depuis un bout et les sujets de mes histoires ne sont pas des sujets favoris des maisons d'édition. Smashwords est un bon endroit où jeter sa ligne pour la pêche à l'infos. Et ce ebook, malgré quelques erreurs de frappe, de formatting (j'ai téléchargé le format PDF), est très instructif.

Mark Coker supporte ses informations avec plusieurs données et quelques années d'expérience dans le monde de la publication indépendante avec son site. Le nombre de pages, la légère répétition de ses idées et le style d'écriture rendent la lecture du ebook simple et claire.
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John Ellis reviewed on March 30, 2013

this is a fantastic ebook and highly recommended.

naturally you have to take the stuff about rejecting amazon exclusivity with a pinch of salt - some moral hazard there..

my only problem is that I read this, got all excited about Smashwords, tried to publish something (i had been exclusive to amazon before then), and found that Smashwords is utterly terrible. I tried about 10 times to publish a single book and the system would keep rejecting it. Their idea of 'help' or 'support' was providing no specific solution, just pointing me towards FAQs and the Style Guide.

So, in short, read this book for its helpful general advice and good motivational info, avoid Smashwords.
(review of free book)
Christine Rice reviewed on Dec. 23, 2012

Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success by Mark Coker is a thorough self-help manual about how to succeed as an ebook author. It is a good book for a soon-to-be-published author, but it is also helpful for an author who has already published a book, or several books for that matter.

This book covers a lot of information, which is pleasing since it is free. You usually can’t go wrong with free, and this book is no exception. It emphasizes the importance of writing a well-written and edited book with a great title and cover design. It talks about the value of connecting well with your readers, distributing your ebook to as many online retailers as you can, giving your book away for free, developing your author platform, maximizing “virality,” and studying bestsellers in your genre. It covers the most popular cycles or trends of ebook sales, how to deal with negative reviews, and how to set an appropriate ebook price. It goes into adequate detail about twenty-eight “secrets” to having a successful ebook; plus, there are additional chapters of other helpful information.

I have published four ebooks myself, and even though I have heard of most of the tips Coker provides - because of my five years of publishing experience - it is a well-written book with lots of insights that would help aspiring authors, new authors, and authors who don’t have much experience with editing, formatting, publishing, marketing, and networking, and anyone who is looking to learn a new tip or two to improve their ebook’s sales.
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Adam Drake reviewed on Aug. 18, 2012

Great stuff. Mark makes no promises of guaranteed success, but simply provides the techniques and information that can help an author along the way. It gave me a lot to think about. I've got some work to do...
(review of free book)
C.M. Skiera reviewed on Aug. 14, 2012

The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success is a must-read for any self-publishing author. Possibly a little wordy with some obvious instructions, it's still chock-full of excellent advice, tips, and resources. Although I liked The Smashwords Book Marketing Guide a little better, they are a great companion set. It's well-written and organized in a logical manner. Definitely a steal for free, as it is easily worth paying for.
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Eric Marcelo reviewed on June 15, 2012

The book's been updated since it was first published so the errors mentioned by Niall Teasdale have been corrected. The "secrets" are very helpful and taken from experiences by other successful authors. I think it can do with a little more tweaking to consolidate some of the points though. Four stars for me.
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June Ahern reviewed on April 26, 2012

I appreciate the book, Mark. It supported and encouraged the writer while giving valid points and suggestions about marketing. In the 22 years of self publishing (two and one to come) I thought I knew it all, but, no! learned a bit more from your book. I envisioned the other authors I know who reading and improving their writing and marking skills. Thank you for it.
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