Reviews of Discovering You

When Lucy Howard goes to Daleford Manor to work for the mysterious and secretive Nicholas Davenport, an instant attraction flares to life between them. But when his past merges with his present, danger threatens to tear them apart. Desperate to keep her with him, Nicholas makes a decision that will change both their lives—and ultimately make the love they've discovered burn brighter than ever.

Reviews of Discovering You by Melissa Kean

Lydia Gastrell reviewed on April 14, 2013

A good love story and and intriguing suspense. There are many, MANY, historical inaccuracies that will mean nothing if that sort of thing doesn't concern you. If it does, however, you'll be driven nearly crazy. The doctor using antibiotic cream, despite it not having yet been invented; party goers dancing the waltz when it too has yet to be invented; that sort of thing. Also, there is a lot of unnecessary transition stuff. You know what I mean, two pages of describing getting in and out of a carriage and the bland niceties between servants.
(review of free book)