Reviews of Equites : Book 4 of the Heku Series

While the Equites continue to hold off attacks, Emily is in a life-threatening accident that draws suspicions of the Valle. Another Winchester heir causes tension in the Equites, and an uprising brings Emily under the protection of Damon. Allen's full abilities come to light and he begins meshing himself with the heku. Enemies force Emily to offer the heku an ultimatum that could bring peace.

Reviews of Equites : Book 4 of the Heku Series by T.M. Nielsen

Pat Young reviewed on Nov. 25, 2011

I discovered the first three of this series in obooko, and was delighted to discover the continuing saga was available through smashwords. I found the books were compelling reading, and even though there was a certain predictability about the story lines, there was enough versatility to engage the reader to the end. I really enjoyed the way the author presented the Heku, as I do not usually go for "vampire" stories. This was a different perspective and the characterizations were excellent. The subtleties of character and culture were interesting, and continuity was very good.
(reviewed 25 days after purchase)
Davina Johnson reviewed on Nov. 5, 2011

Great series !!
(reviewed 12 days after purchase)
Kelly Christensen reviewed on Nov. 2, 2011

I loved the whole series!!!! I read all eight books in under 2 weeks. Excellent story!!!!
(reviewed 23 days after purchase)
Rachel Rosenfeld reviewed on Sep. 10, 2011

I love this series, Im only in the middle of book four, happy I have four more to read :)
(reviewed 24 days after purchase)
S B reviewed on April 16, 2011

This is a wonderful series!
(reviewed 22 days after purchase)
Sabrina Scholla reviewed on Feb. 7, 2011

So glad I got into this series! Excellent!
(reviewed 21 days after purchase)
K. Krieger reviewed on Jan. 25, 2011

And the drama continues. I could hardly wait to find out what else was going to happen and what was going to happen next. hard to put down, just like the first three in the series.
(reviewed 22 days after purchase)