Reviews of The Lord of the Plains

The city of Astar shines as a lone beacon of peace, free from the constant warring of the inhuman, gemeng tribes of the Plains. Aerlid, a man neither human nor gemeng, tricks his way into Astar with his charge, a young gemeng named Riley. In the human city, she experiences a type of fear and oppression foreign to her, and longs for the freedom of the world beyond the city walls.

Reviews of The Lord of the Plains by Sarah Chapman

jason reviewed on Jan. 7, 2020

This book captured me at the point where Riley and Aerlid entered the town that was simply “home”. The hint of hidden power and the innocence of childhood in a world that is clearly extremely dangerous. The story kept me guessing as it unfolded and the world-scape is not clear at the outset, but this is the intent. I enjoyed very much the Mixed who kept a tent afloat while he snored. This is well worth a read. It doesn’t have sex and overt violence.
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VickyWalters reviewed on Oct. 1, 2017

Captivating story! Very creative and imaginative!
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ThaBookworm reviewed on Sep. 20, 2017

One of the best fantasy novels i have read till date!
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Loren Carrasco reviewed on July 29, 2017

Very good book
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David Jensen reviewed on Jan. 31, 2016

This book deserves to be on a bestseller list. It is somewhat similar to "The Dark Tower" by Stephen King. Time has moved on and the new civilization of Astarians, extremely Xenophobic and totally racialist towards the Gemengs, mirrors ourselves in todays world. And the best part is that the Extra-terrestrials assisted during and after the attack of the Ehlkrids! Wonderful reading!
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David Thompson reviewed on Aug. 16, 2015

I found this interestingly different with unexpected events and it was very well written.
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Jenny Watt reviewed on Sep. 9, 2014

It's not often you can find such a good book from an unknown author. This is a coming of age story set in a fantasy world where the main character has to find incredible resources from within to overcome the challenges that face her, and she does it in such and endearing way that its easy to love her.
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yvonne yap reviewed on Aug. 26, 2014

This book is totally riveting! A must read for all fantasy story lovers. Am glad that I can go straight to the second book. It's been a long time since I am able to to find such a gem.
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Fay Burgess reviewed on Aug. 21, 2014

This was a compulsive read. The author draws you in with excellent description of different cultures and their peoples. You really care about what happens to Riley: where she came from; where she is going.
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GR8TEA reviewed on Aug. 4, 2014

I loved this book, from begining to end, it was well written! I recommend it! impatiently waiting for the sequel!!!
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