Reviews of Fit for Faith - 7 Weeks to Improved Spiritual and Physical Health

Do you need encouragement to lose weight while addressing the whole person? Discover this book that can help you to apply godly principles, nutritional wisdom, and scriptural guidance to achieve your goals. Kimberley Payne is a seasoned personal trainer who wants to bless and encourage others in being fit in every way.

Reviews of Fit for Faith - 7 Weeks to Improved Spiritual and Physical Health by Kimberley Payne

Brenda J Wood reviewed on Oct. 4, 2011

You know my reputation for common sense and Fit for Faith meets that criteria. Everything you ever needed to know about losing weight in a Godly manner is in this book.

Because you and God together make a majority, you can expect Fit for Faith to help you reach your healthy goals.
Brenda J Wood at
(reviewed 22 days after purchase)