Reviews of An Epitaph for Coyote: A Novel

A lonely clerk, a bohemian bug exterminator, shape-shifters, and the American Dream just before its pants fell down.

Reviews of An Epitaph for Coyote: A Novel by Bryan R. Dennis

Bill Thibadeau reviewed on July 5, 2011

I received this book as a freebie in exchange for a review. I am so thankful that I received the eBook as I would have missed a great read otherwise.

I initially thought this novel was going to be a light hearted romp through the life of a nerdish accountant cubicle living guy. The read started out with humor and a lightness that was very enjoyable and kept me reading. The whole reading experience changed for me when Rosa entered the life of our dear accountant. I realized that I had been set up by the author who drew me in expertly. The set up was a good thing and actually brought a wry smile to my face.

With Rosa in the story, the theme of the book became much deeper causing me to slow down and smell the roses. Each character in the book became profound to me. Their individual stories of life caused me to reflect on my own life. And yes, the title is very meaningful. A soulful thought process of the title as your read progresses will result in a much deeper appreciation of the writing ability and style of this author.

I heartily recommend this book to everyone and I will be reading the next book without question. I gave the book 5 stars because I could not give it 4.5 stars. The book does have spelling and grammatical issues but not enough to take away from the memorable experience.
(reviewed 22 days after purchase)
Bill Meyers reviewed on June 27, 2011
(no rating)
Very interesting, well written
(reviewed 22 days after purchase)