Interview with Kim Maya Sutton

Published 2013-10-09.
Describe your desk
Oh dear, I have not actually seen my desk in months! Partly because it is covered in academic books, and partly because I prefer to work somewhere else. On the couch for example, next to my dog. Or at the beach on a bench with some wind ruffling my hair. In a cafe with a nice big steamy cup of coffee. Or on the plane... There is a very distant memory of my desk being a dark rosewood desk waiting for me in my office and probably missing me bumping into it all the time. I really don't like having to work without being allowed to put up my feet.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
erm... Did I grow up yet? I think someone forgot to inform me about this one. Now I am seriously disappointed.
When did you first start writing?
oh, I had just turned three. I discovered that my mother's lipstick writes quite nicely on the mirror in our hallway and so I copied all sorts of words and random letters from a magazine that was lying around. The result was a mirrored and rather awkward collection of very adult words mixed from politics, religion, and war. My parents however focussed on explaining to me that I had written everything a) backwards and b) mirrored.
What's the story behind your latest book?
My latest academic book is almost boring already, as it's focused on the not so new trend of B2C marketing in the book publishing world. As for my latest non academic book, it's my father's life according to him.
My WIP is about a woman who moves from the UK to Germany and how (or not) she gets along. That's all I am prepared to give away at this point. Way not done, but thinking about joining NaNoWriMo....
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Is there any other way to be an author?
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Hiding in another world!
What do your fans mean to you?
They mean the world for me! I mean, what would I do if I hid in that thought-up world of mine and nobody ever came to join me there?
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
I love life! Apart from the fact that my back starts to hurt if I am in bed for more than 6 hours, I also get bored. Well, maybe not all the time. I guess that really depends on what I am doing in bed... having started that thought -- why should I get out of it?! Wait, I think I am starting to misunderstand the question. What did you want to know here?
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I eat chocolate, cook dinners for friends, teach economics, copy-edit, market, go for walks, sit at the beach and stare and clouds, take pictures, design baby-clothes, paint, eat more chocolate, dance, try new things (at least one every week), listen to music, visit friends and family, knit, craft, take care of my herbs and flowers, go for a job, go for a swim, take my dog for a nice long walk, ... I just told my students that if my walking back and forth goes on their nerves, they'd have to tie me to a chair because I just cannot not do something. I get bored too fast.
What is your writing process?
grab a cup of coffee, open laptop, open document, start writing. Rinse and repeat.
What do you read for pleasure?
Is there reading not for pleasure? I don't do anything that isn't pleasurable. Or at least I try to avoid it. Mostly successfully.
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