Interview with R H Clark

Published 2019-02-11.
What are your five favorite books, and why?
The five books I have read recently that I have enjoyed most are: The God Portal by Tim Ferguson, When Jesus Wept by Bodie and Brock Thoene, and the City of God trilogy by R.S. Ingermanson. All of these books were fictional dramas based upon the nature of Jesus and the response of His contemporaries to His preaching. Each of the five books opened a train of thought of my response to Jesus Christ and could I sacrifice as these characters did to follow the teachings of Jesus.
What do you read for pleasure?
I have varied taste in pleasure reading. I search diligently for books suitable for a Christian reader, mostly fiction and a small amount of pay-fi if it has biblical lessons as part of the story-line. I pass up any book that contains profanity or sexual content.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
Kindle Fire. It was a Christmas gift from my beautiful wife, Kitty.
What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
Because of monetary restraints I amy relying upon Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. I am also working to arrange book signings at local venues.
Describe your desk
My desk is nothing impressive. It is modern design of dark oak colored wood with a smoked glass insert top.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in Corpus Christi, TX along the Gulf Coast. I spent large parts of my summers with my grandparents in Luling, TX, central Texas near San Antonio, TX. It was actually my adult years that influenced my writing since it was then that I lived in San Antonio for a short while as well as Austin and lived 15 years in Lynchburg and Richmond, Va.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
My great joy is seeing the characters come to life on paper. My greatest joy is to share factual prophecy and the love of Jesus Christ with my readers.
When did you first start writing?
Of course I was required to write in my high school and college English courses, but I began to write my first book, The Prophet's Secret in 2012 while living in San Angelo, TX.
What are you working on next?
I am working on a sequel to The Prophet's Secret with Josh Winslow and Bill Walker as they lead a team to stop an attempt to start a Middle East war that will destroy Israel.
Who are your favorite authors?
My favorite authors are Tim LeHaye (recently deceased) as well a Bodie andBrock Thoene.
How do you approach cover design?
I believe that a cover should be eye catching and of course have a direct relation to the story. Bright color is most useful and what every object or action depicted should catch the potential reader's imagination.
What's the story behind your book?
In 2012 I read an article stating the Books of the Apocrypha mentioned that the prophet Jeremiah wrote a letter to Jewish leaders saying he had hidden the worship articles of the Jewish Temple and the tent structure of the Tabernacle on Mount Nebo. The purpose was to protect them from the Babylonians. This sparked the germ of a story in my mind and I began to write a fictional story for the search for those articles of worship and how certain geo-political forces might to prevent the success of this search. I immediately saw that Bible prophecy was the essential outline for all of the conflict in the story.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
The first story I wrote was a continuation of Great Expectations for my high school English class. After the essay was returned and I read it, I was very glad it wasn't graded. It made sense but it really wasn't very good.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
I can not remember the title but I remember the story quite well. It was an auto-biography of a taxidermist who collected his own specimens in Africa and displayed them in a natural history museum. Knowing the story and experiences were real planted the seed for trying new and adventurous things.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
I stumbled upon reference to a secret letter written by Jeremiah the prophet and began to imagine if it were true. I wrote slowly over the course of two years and finally was bitten by the bug to get the book finished and published.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
Mostly, I look forward to the what discoveries I will make in my Bible readings and devotionals. So much left to learn!
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I'm a fan of politics and just how 'whacky' some of those people can be. I watch a lot of Fox News and read on the internet. Mostly I enjoy spending time with my wife, whether it's hobbies and crafts or chores.
What is your writing process?
My process varies, day to day. Sometimes the story writes itself and it just flows out onto the page. Other days, I research and outline what I've read to see how it applies to the general story line.
What's the story behind your latest book?
I have a carnivorous appetite for learning about Bible prophecy and I pay close attention to the biblical support for any and all prophecy I read. The possible, but most likely untrue, of Jeremiah writing a letter telling about hiding the worship implements of the Jewish Temple fascinated me.
What do your fans mean to you?
I believe every writer will say that they write for themselves or because they just have to write but without some form of fan support the well of imagination will just dry up. It also means a lot to me to share tidbits of biblical information with my fans.
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
Mostly, I rely upon book recommendation web sites.
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
Smashwords has provided me with a platform to lay out my book idea and bring it to fruition.
Write your own question here! My own question, let me see. I was asked by a young man at a book signing if it was scary to write books.
It's more scary to not write a book if you feel inspired to do so. The scary part is waiting to see if anyone will read your book and what that person will say about your book.
Smashwords Interviews are created by the profiled author or publisher.