AC Hatter


Amanda Hatter is married with two children and lives in Beaconsfield, in Buckinghamshire, UK. When she’s not writing she works as a freelance management consultant. Before that she was a beach lifeguard, a cinema usherette and worked in a car factory in South Wales.

CALLUM FOX AND THE MOUSEHOLE GHOST is her debut novel. Previously she has had short stories published. Fay Weldon said of her writing: ‘Thoughtful, moving and simply written, seizes an idea and carries it through. It puts a shape upon ordinary human experience and makes it un-ordinary, which is what the best writing does.’

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Callum Fox and the Mousehole Ghost
Price: $6.49 USD. Words: 67,840. Language: English. Published: June 6, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Children’s books » Fiction
Callum’s summer holiday in Cornwall isn’t working out quite as he’d expected. His Grandad’s turned out to be a miserable old git and Sophie, the girl he met on the train to Penzance, views him as more of a liability than anything else. However, things start to get a whole lot more interesting when he meets Jim, the ghost of a World War II evacuee...

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