Anatoly Belilovsky


Little Blue Marble 2017: Stories of Our Changing Climate
Series: Little Blue Marble, Book 1. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 12,100. Language: English. Originally Published: January 25, 2018 by Ganache Media. Categories: Fiction » Anthologies » Short stories - multi-author, Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Short stories
Now in a single collection by editor Katrina Archer, get all of the short climate fiction published by Little Blue Marble in 2017. M. Darusha Wehm shows us our blue marble as viewed from Mars. Anatoly Belilovsky meditates on family and love in a drowned future Ireland. Alex Shvartsman controls the weather. Robert Dawson evokes the nostalgia of a child for gas-powered cars. Holly Schofield...

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