Ariel Ruthanne


Ariel won first place in her state and placed top ten nationally in the Fine Arts Festival in 2017 for Flash Fiction. She combines mystery, horror, and suspense into compelling stories. Ariel loves to take a world grounded in realism and creatively twist it into something out of the ordinary. She is the author of The Phantom Called Karma—a story that pulls the reader into a haunting tale of curses and consequences.

Smashwords Interview

What is your writing process?
Chaos. I'm a combo of diehard perfectionism and impulsivity. I color-code my work, but I write scenes out of order. I carefully plot, but I never stick to the script. My dozens of neatly arranged files say "she knows exactly what she's doing" but the contents say "someone needs to stop this woman".

But that's simply how I work when it comes to creative projects. Thankfully, the more practical editing side of me exists to tie it all together into a clean, coherent story.
What's a pet you've always wanted to own?
I was researching tarantulas for a past story once (a character owned one), and I realized they're actually pretty cool. Dare I say, kind of cute? I've wanted one ever since.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Ariel Ruthanne online


The Phantom Called Karma
Price: $7.99 USD. Words: 96,950. Language: English. Published: March 20, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Supernatural
Rumors of witchcraft creep through the small town of Sundew Creeks, but Elias Lachman remains a skeptic...that is until a curse of karma brings dire consequences to his actions, and it all seems to lead back to a supernatural figure with an eerie smile. Will Elias break the curse? Or will he discover that the secrets of Sundew Creeks are more real—and more dangerous—than mere superstition?

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