Thelmina Anthony


Thelmina Anthony is a nurse, psychologist, lay counselor, assistant researcher, content creator, entrepreneur, author, God-lover, and proud natural hair influencer, with a great passion for imparting knowledge and impacting lives. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a diploma in nursing, and several certificates in technology and other fields.
She has been through a lot in life. However, she continues to stand tall and strong. She has an immense passion for helping the vulnerable and needy in society, especially women and children, and most importantly, with issues related to relationships, operating in the area of power, and achieving optimum health as a female.
She has counseled several people facing diverse difficulties in their dating lives, friendships, and other relationships.

Where to find Thelmina Anthony online


Healthy Dating 101
Price: $5.50 USD. Words: 16,300. Language: English. Published: May 1, 2022 . Categories: Nonfiction » Relationships & Family » Dating
This book provides practical guidelines for fulfilling and meaningful dating relationships. It is a "must read" book for teenagers, young, middle and senior adults who yearn for a healthy dating life.

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