TGO Designs - Publisher

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Smashwords book reviews by TGO Designs - Publisher

  • Immortal Voyage on June 15, 2012

    I fell in love with this book at page 40. Jael reminded me of my determination and extreme independence that I had at 18 (although I have to say i have never had a romantic interlude in space, I wish!) One of my favorite parts of this book is how MANY characters C.G Powell juggles in this story. There are two main characters, Jael and Salik, but the book is from pretty much every major characters perspective. Lenni and Tam's story was my favorite. It was by far the best love story in this book. AND it has Atlantis, interstellar beings and magic. My three favorite things. I really hope that C.G writes a lot more stories for these characters. I will read them all!
  • Dark Passing on Dec. 09, 2012

    I was blown away by this book. The writing was fantastic, the characters were so real it was almost eerie. Ella and I could be best friends. :) I can not wait to see what else is in store for Ella!