David Ellis


David Hunter Ellis was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. He found his way back to his love of writing after a wrongful termination of his job resulted in the writing of his first novel, 'Trial By Fired, You Bear Witness.' Soon after, he stepped through the doors of Wilmington University, where he studied Digital Film Directing. Eager to learn all facets of his newfound storytelling medium, he took on many roles on film crews throughout the years. Finally, in 2013, David formed Hunter/Ellis Productions, LLC, ready to take the lead.

When not thinking creatively about novels and movies, David, the admitted sports fanatic, gets his fill of boxing, baseball, football, and basketball by watching his hometown teams, the Philadelphia Phillies, Eagles, and 76ers.

Smashwords Interview

What motivated you to become an indie author?
Well, I always wanted to become an author when I was young. Starting in maybe 2nd or 3rd grade, the teachers would give us the assignment to create a short story using our 20 spelling words. I would get lost in the storylines and worlds I made for the characters' lives. Being a child of divorce and having a career military father who traveled the world your whole childhood, it was great to be in control of the outcome of something. Also, growing up in inner-city Philadelphia or inner-city everywhere in the USA, youth was fleeting; we were fortunate to reach the age of twelve before reality started chipping away at innocence.
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
Smashwords has broadened my reach to a more diverse audience of young, middle-aged, and older than myself readers. I've gained a younger fan base that gets to experience a unique, come-from-the-street voice that has been in combat for its silence when you think about the struggles we continue to encounter every day. And my middle-aged and older fan base has grown from sea to shining sea, so to speak, especially my inner-city compadres; they have a chance to remember times before U.N.I.T.Y. was just a smooth hook on a rap song from our fam from Newark, New Jersey.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find David Ellis online

Twitter: @DsrEllis
Facebook: Facebook profile


The Lion That Lions Fear
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 89,510. Language: English. Published: May 8, 2022 . Categories: Fiction » African American fiction » General, Fiction » Adventure » Action
Against all odds, a Black boy comes of age in America by breaking all the rules. The epic journey of a heroic anti-hero.