Dawn Herring


Dawn Herring is a writer, journal keeper, artist, office manager, mom, and grandmother. She writes essays, memoir, how-to articles on journal writing, and poetry. She has been published on AllThingsHealing.com, in her city newspaper, The Princeton Herald, the homeschool magazine, The Home School Court Report, and writing newsletters.
Dawn enjoys journaling, art journaling, cartooning, fashion illustration, watercolor painting and doodling. She is learning to play her spiritual songs on her piano.

Where to find Dawn Herring online


The Birthday Wall
Price: Free! Words: 17,580. Language: English. Published: March 9, 2012 . Categories: Nonfiction » Art, Architecture, Photography » Crafts - General
The Birthday Wall is a detailed, step-by-step instructional book that shows how to create a multi-dimensional, colorful visual collage to help celebrate your child's Birthday. As creator of this family tradition, Dawn Herring shares how to research, plan, gather, create and display all the elements of your child's birthday wall which can help affirm, validate, and show appreciation for your child.

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