Dustin Dewint


I have always been a science fiction and fantasy fan, reading sci-fi became like an addictive drug for me. Writers like Asimov, Brin, Pohl, Anderson, Simmons and many more were an inspiration to someday write a book of my own, even if it took me a long time to actually start. Eden is my first, I hope that people will have as much fun reading it as I had writing it.


Outward Bound Episode 2: Revolution
Price: Free! Words: 14,410. Language: English. Published: July 6, 2020 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Hard sci-fi
In the second episode we find a Wolfy who has pretty much resigned to his fate of being indentured to Jupiter Corp. However, Murphy's Law hits him with a Jupiter-sized club, sending him in a tailspin towards the rocks of reality. If you catch my drift then you probably don't need to read this one. If my drift managed to elude you then read the episode, some people just can't take a hint. SMH.
Outward Bound Episode 1: The Void
Price: Free! Words: 8,400. Language: English. Published: September 5, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Hard sci-fi
(2.50 from 2 reviews)
Like everybody else, Wolfy works for Jupiter Corp. Reluctantly of course. He collects promising asteroids but in the course of his duty as a harvester pilot, he's almost killed in a hijack attempt. This starts a roller-coaster chain of events that hints of an even greater evil than piracy. He quickly discovers that he is up against powerful, ruthless conspirators.
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 119,380. Language: English. Published: August 5, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure
A colony of humans and their animal underlings try to eke out a living while overcrowded Earth is shattered by war. The new world, Eden, is not easily conquered. A girl, sent away to find a cure for a strange illness, returns and discovers that there was more to the planet than everybody thought. When bad news and bad people arrive on the last ship from the homeworld, events take a violent turn.

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