Farrah Zafar


Farrah Zafar was born in Pakistan on 29th December,1988.She grew up with a philosopher's mind and a poet's heart.Both contributed to nourish her personality as an introvert.She did 'Masters of Philosophy in English Literature'.That enhanced her interest in literature as well as polished her skills.In grief of others she would spend sleepless nights.Her empathetic and sympathetic approach kept her restless.She started writing and words sprouted out from her pen as reflex action.Her over sensitivity transformed her feelings and observations into strong words.She speaks about the crushed emotions and the strength of hope.She believes that a poet not only sees from his own angle but also from the perspective of others.
She believes ,'Amor Vincit Omnia' (Love conquers all).She says,

"You should fill your heart with love,mind with peace and tongue with sweetness.Can you not become a dove holding rose in its beak?"

Where to find Farrah Zafar online


It's Not His Fault
Price: Free! Words: 2,120. Language: English. Published: July 30, 2020 . Categories: Fiction » Women's fiction » Feminist
Broken homes , physical and verbal abuse hollow the roots of the society.Some bruises are visible and others are not tangible but both hurt the same way.In fact,physical ones heal at some point but the emotional abuse causes internal death of the victim.

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