Fenny Hotchpotchblog

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Smashwords book reviews by Fenny Hotchpotchblog

  • Armageddon Cometh, Species Intervention #6609 Book Three on April 16, 2013

    Partly thriller and vastly becoming dystopian, Armageddon Cometh is about family drama and group dynamics, including romantic relationships. An unlikely assortment of people are gathered together for the fulfillment of Abby’s task. When political plans go awry, it puts the world at risk of annihilation. The role of Echo becomes clearer, showing what she is really made of and for what purpose. But who is being rescued and why? Armageddon Cometh can only be understood after reading Echo. The big story encompassed by the whole series is taking shape. All the different aspects of family and group relationships run to and fro, with people falling in and out of love in the process. It is highly emotional charged, a real page turner as I wanted to know how it would all play out. I am glad I had the fourth book, Hive, waiting for me! ***When you buy this third book in the series, part of the proceedings will go to the Big Cat Sanctuary in Sarasota!!!***
  • Hive, Species Intervention #6609, Book Four on April 16, 2013

    In Hive it becomes finally clear why the series is called Species Intervention #6609. The human race is so depraved that in the past the Womb has intervened through creatures like Baby and Echo – and not just once but 6609 times, showing that humanity doesn’t learn and is destined to fail. This is the dystopian element: the fact that Homo Sapiens destroys all life forms and Earth itself and therefore does not deserve to survive. The real chosen ones are the innocent animals, the human life that is rescued is of no meaning to the Womb. Live in the Hive is the most wonderful fairy tale come true – it is completely self supportive and has amazing out-of-this-world abilities. It is in stark contrast with what happens above ground in the ‘real’ world, where we follow what happens through the wife and grand kids of one of the truck drivers, who are desperately trying to make their way to the Hive. Various leads from previous books show up and become clear and other leads are expounded upon, making me ever more curious for the next – and unfortunately last – book in the series. The rescue of animals to the Hive is akin to the rescue of animals by the arch of Noah – where also the human race was found severely lacking in their original purpose. As Wil shares the history of the Hive, a comparison to the fall of mankind is recognizable with the same punishment: no longer is immortality attainable. However, Wil, Netty and Barney are very much alive after their death! This is achieved through cloning and mind transfer. The question that remains: is redemption possible? And what does it mean that Scotty is The One? While reading the second half I felt like I became part of the group residing in the Hive – and I can’t wait to read what happens next to “us”! Please hurry up, mrs Accinni!
  • Echo Species Intervention #6609 on April 16, 2013

    A lot of new characters are being introduced as the story thickens and becomes more complicated. Echo – the offspring of Baby – has been in hiding for 100 years before she meets Scotty and Jose in the woods. This starts off a lot of changes for Jose and Abby (Scotty’s sister) – who become a couple in the process – and Scotty, a teenager. Peter Gavin, a lawyer, starts working for them, helping them to find a refuge in Sarasota, Florida. A three-some unite together – Tomas, his girlfriend Kelly and her brother Armoni – with no good in mind. In fact, they are so depraved it was hard for me to read their atrocities in detail. Some other characters are introduced, like the soon-to-be Muslim president Omar and his mistress Lita, who is in actual fact a secret agent of the CIA. The persona of each character is described in full. Here and there remarks are made that you know are going to be pivotal in the unfolding of the story, which is intricately woven together in the same way as Baby was written. You can feel the story developing, leading up to something captivating. After reading Baby, an uncomplicated love story, this book sets a different tone of voice. Especially the startling revelation at the end makes me very curious as to how the story continues in Armageddon Cometh!
  • Baby, Species Intervention #6609 Book One on April 16, 2013

    It is said that the story likens to E.T. which is true to some extent. Baby too, is a mysterious creature called an Oolahan, comes from somewhere outside our universe. However, the friendship that ensues between a battered and bruised – in body& soul – young woman and Baby, as she names him, is simple yet complicated and definitely deep and mysterious. So are the changes that take shape in Nelly’s body, soul and spirit. When she rescues an Italian man, he comes to love and also accept the mystery surrounding Baby as well as the influence he has on Nelly. It all is fine as long as they keep themselves to themselves. The first time they venture out together to a dance in the village – brutal and shocking things happen. But… there is more to it than the eye can see! This story is told in such a way that it grabbed not only my attention – I couldn’t put it down and read it in one sitting, it was thát good! – but also my heart and emotions. I felt the pain, the relief of Nelly’s escape, the fear, the love, the struggle for acceptance, and also the shock and horror in Nelly’s life. I gasped at what I thought was the end of the story. Fortunately, the mystery continues and I can’t wait to read the second book in the series, Echo. I loved this book! Not just the story, but also how it is told, the beautiful language and imagery used. I learned quite a few new words (so easy as my e-reader contains a dictionary!). I give it 6 out of 5 stars!