Harshada Pathare

Publisher info

Author and Contrarian Thinker, Harshada Pathare creates connections via art.

Her purpose: enrich and empower people and elevate the common story one word at a time.

Her style: Living life with no fears of depths, learning to create an open dialogue between heart and mind.

Take a moment to imagine a perfect world—one that requires no improvement. Difficult, right? But not just that. It’s really rather unpleasant.

As long as creativity persists in the universe, there will always be room for improvement…and those who fail to forge new tools, blaze better paths and dream ‘XL’ will neither leave a legacy nor live with life’s true pleasures.

That said, my journey as a writer isn’t terribly unique. (Thinking’s the tricky part!) I simply wish to express myself, and syntax is the tool I’ve chosen. It may have been music. It may have been clicks, but nothing compares to the love I have for language and its voltage.

There’s a beauty in both the equations of lexical clarity and poetic abstraction. One can’t compare one’s streams of thought in consciousness with dreamt lagoons. I feel that my success so far is having sense enough to float. Imagination proves the water. Words are but the boat.

My writing is the result of thinking, and my thoughts are the upshot of experience. I try never to forget the importance of that particular sequence. No matter the genre or style in question, writers—the real ones—share one thing in common: they’re curious. Not by trade. By nature and have to dig it all.

There’s soul-searching, sure, but not just one’s own. One has to feel others—have empathy, love. Poetical license has little value to those who know nothing of life’s real roads.

My gender, heritage and homeland are parts of who I am…but hardly the biggest. Literature and Creativity have little interest in borders.

My inspiration? Everything that is and isn’t…yet.

Smashwords Interview

When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
We only have so much time, and the (drawn-out) development of artistic ability always amounts to a gamble. That’s the truth. It isn’t the safe or the get-rich route…but nothing compares to self-expression and anyone, with work—compassion, patience, curiosity—can come to find themselves and, too, an Earth of kindred spirits.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
My writing is the result of thinking, and my thoughts are the upshot of experience.

"It was a long walk after school, and the distance, weather are setting a good tone. All the way home when suddenly, I noticed something lying on the road.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Harshada Pathare online


Love Talks
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 6,200. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2020 . Categories: Poetry » Themes & motifs » Love
For lovers of the written word, for lovers of thought, for art, and for nature, Harshada Pathare’s Love Talks collection is poetry unparalleled—a loving force to be reckoned. Rarely can a poetry collection hit harmonic notes, and, too, sustain them through and through, as Harshada Pathare’s Love Talks.
A Piece of Paradise
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 6,070. Language: English. Published: December 7, 2019 . Categories: Poetry » American poetry » General
‘A Piece of Paradise’ stirs the deep intimate feelings, helps us to realize the true passion of being loved by someone and of loving someone. The poems would compel the readers to concentrate and imagine beyond the surface provoking them to think deeply on the meaning engulfed in them.

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