Heidi Cullinan


Heidi Cullinan has always enjoyed a good love story, provided it has a happy ending. Proud to be from the first Midwestern state with full marriage equality, Heidi is a vocal advocate for LGBT rights. She writes positive-outcome romances for LGBT characters struggling against insurmountable odds because she believes there’s no such thing as too much happy ever after. When Heidi isn't writing, she enjoys cooking, reading, playing with her cats, and watching television with her family. Find out more about Heidi at heidicullinan.com.


Love Lessons
Short Stay
Price: $2.99 USD.
Fever Pitch
Price: $4.99 USD.
Lonely Hearts
Price: $4.99 USD.


Dance With Me
Series: Dancing, Book 1. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 94,320. Language: English. Originally Published: August 29, 2015 by Heidi Cullinan. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » LGBTQ+ » Gay, Fiction » Romance » LGBTQ+ » Gay
Sometimes life requires a partner. Ed Maurer has bounced back, more or less, from the neck injury that permanently benched his semipro football career. He hates his soul-killing office job, but he loves volunteering at a local community center. The only fly in his ointment is the dance instructor, Laurie Parker, who can’t seem to stay out of his way. Laurie was once one of the most celebrated...
Short Stay
Series: Love Lessons. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 42,810. Language: English. Originally Published: May 24, 2016 by Heidi Cullinan. Categories: Fiction » Coming of age, Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » LGBTQ+ » Gay, Fiction » Romance » New adult, Fiction » Romance » LGBTQ+ » Gay
Hot messes have a hard time with happily ever after. Baz Acker and Elijah Prince have it all. They’re engaged, and their wedding is guaranteed to be a spectacle no event will ever top. So why are they hunkered down in a quiet corner of the Acker mansion, restless and edgy while they wait out the holidays? When Baz suggests a road trip with Walter and Kelly to Las Vegas, it sounds like an ideal...
Fever Pitch
Series: Love Lessons, Book 2. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 109,970. Language: English. Originally Published: April 6, 2017 by Heidi Cullinan. Categories: Fiction » Coming of age, Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » LGBTQ+ » Gay, Fiction » Romance » New adult, Fiction » Romance » LGBTQ+ » Gay
Sometimes you have to play love by ear. Aaron Seavers is a pathetic mess, and he knows it. He lives in terror of incurring his father’s wrath and disappointing his mother, and he can’t stop dithering about where to go to college—with fall term only weeks away. Ditched by a friend at a miserable summer farewell party, all he can do is get drunk in the laundry room and regret he was ever born...
Balla con me
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 88,020. Language: Italian. Originally Published: November 18, 2017 by Heidi Cullinan. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » LGBTQ+ » Gay, Fiction » Romance » LGBTQ+ » Gay
Arriva un momento nella vita in cui serve un compagno. Ed Maurer si è più o meno rimesso in piedi dopo la ferita al collo che l’ha relegato in panchina, mandando a gambe all’aria la sua carriera di giocatore di football semiprofessionista. Ora lavora in un ufficio che gli succhia l’anima, ma nel tempo libero svolge del volontariato in un centro comunitario locale. L’unico neo è l’istruttore di...
Lonely Hearts
Series: Love Lessons, Book 3. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 112,120. Language: English. Originally Published: April 15, 2017 by Heidi Cullinan. Categories: Fiction » Coming of age, Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » Romance » New adult, Fiction » Romance » LGBTQ+ » Gay
Even hot messes need a happily ever after. With the quiet help of his wealthy family, Sebastian “Baz” Acker has successfully kept his painful past at bay. But as the end of college draws near, his friends—his buffer zone—are preparing to move on, while his own life is at a crippling standstill. With loneliness bearing down on him, Baz hooks up—then opens up—with Elijah Prince, the guy Baz took...
Miles and the Magic Flute
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 64,560. Language: English. Originally Published: September 10, 2019 by Heidi Cullinan. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal, Fiction » Romance » Fantasy, Fiction » LGBTQ+ » Gay, Fiction » Fantasy » Dark, Fiction » Romance » LGBTQ+ » Gay
When unemployed Miles Larson retreats to rural Minnesota to lick his wounds, his dissatisfaction turns him into prey for a powerful, ancient being. With an enchanted silver flute in his hand, Miles enters an erotic fairyland where the sorrows weighing on his heart don't exist at all. The catch to his newfound paradise: three different magical beings have their eye on his soul. To escape the...
Chissá Dove
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 57,820. Language: Italian. Originally Published: August 20, 2015 by Heidi Cullinan. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Western, Fiction » LGBTQ+ » Gay, Fiction » Romance » Erotic
L’amore cresce nelle crepe rimaste aperte. Se c’è una cosa che a Roe Davis, bracciante e figlio di fattori, proprio non va a genio, è mischiare il lavoro col piacere. Peccato che poi si imbatta nel suo capo, Travis Loving, nell’unico locale gay nel raggio di duecento miglia. Cominciare una relazione col proprietario del ranch sembra una pessima idea, ma i gusti sessuali di Roe e Travis si...

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