Holly MacGregor


About the Author

About the Author
Holly MacGregor is the author of magickal, portal, romance, fantasy novels Ravens Night Saga. Which includes Goddess Kindled, and God Awakened, coming in 2024. A time travel romance with macgick, suspense, fated mated, true love, and self discovery.
She lives in West Grey Canada with her husband, their son, and four furry friends. Past times include reading a good juicy romance or erotica book. Watching some tv in the evening cuddled with the pets and of course her husband.
When she not running errands, doing house work, or the day to days of family life, she can be found in her office writing at her desk.



Goddess Kindled
Series: Ravens Night Saga, Book 1. Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 95,610. Language: English. Published: December 19, 2023 by Triquetra Books. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Fantasy, Fiction » Romance » Time travel, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » General, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » Shifters, Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » Witches
In a world teetering on the brink of extinction, the last remnants of humanity grapple for salvation. Amidst this turmoil, an ancient society takes drastic measures to rectify the sins of the past. Join Harlow and Kieran as they navigate this world together.
God Awakened
Series: Ravens Night Saga, Book 2. Pre-release—available December 10, 2024. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 250. Language: English. Published by Triquetra Books. Categories: Fiction » Romance » General, Fiction » Romance » Fantasy, Fiction » Romance » Action/adventure
Caden and Honor's story. Coming to you soon! Revisit the world of Ravens Night Saga.