Indira Lake


Indira Lake is a British author and journalist.

​She left university with a degree in journalism and a thirst to do something different, so after starting her career ashore, she joined a major cruise line, working in entertainment.

​Over time she became increasingly frustrated with the cruise ship guidance books being published, none of which gave the real truth about life on board for passengers and crew, rather they only portrayed what the cruise ship companies wanted to show and paid for.

​The author began to assemble details of various events that would be considered as unbelievable were it not for her vast experience and the verification of other officers and crew from these ships.

Advocating for better working conditions and fair wages is a cause close to her heart and she is a member of the International Cruise Victims association.

​Indira worked on cruise ships for 10 years and this is her first book.

Where to find Indira Lake online


Transparensea: The Cruise Industry Exposé
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 75,400. Language: English. Originally Published: November 25, 2023 by Indira Lake. Categories: Nonfiction » Travel, Nonfiction » Transportation » Ship building industry, Nonfiction » Social Science » True crime, Nonfiction » True Crime » Murder » General
Discover the secrets and truths the cruise industry doesn't want you to know with this uncensored exposé. This journey through the eyes of a seasoned crew member reveals the darker reality beneath the surface of the multi-billion-dollar cruising industry. Uncover the shocking stories of crew members treated like dirt, drug smuggling, scams, prostitution, bullying, fraternising, and even...