JJ Lair


JJ Lair lives by historical sites where stories of the paranormal thrive. His writes about pop culture and history on his blog and website.


Murder in the Mirror
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 37,720. Language: English. Published: September 19, 2023 by JJ Lair. Categories: Fiction » Visionary & metaphysical, Fiction » Horror » Occult, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Psychological
Frets sees a murder in a new miror that he bought at an estate sale. Why is this happening? He can't find a reason. He can't find help. He goes back to the house he bought the mirror at, but the prior owner won't help him. She has secrets she can't share. How will he ever stop the mirror showing him the murder in the mirror.
Dear Pen Pal
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 46,470. Language: English. Published: January 30, 2023 by JJ Lair. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Coming of age, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General
Joe and Cate are fourth graders matched in a school program to be pen pals. They do the assignment by writing about their day to day lives. They continue after the assignment ends. The letters become more personal as each write about their dreams, plans, problems and secrets. One day Joe decides to stop writing withouth telling Cate. They move on with their lives giving little thought to the...
Mix Tapes and Stuff
Series: Mix Tapes series, Book 1. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 52,220. Language: English. Published: January 16, 2023 by JJ Lair. Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen
Where is the Schuyler Mine? Mix Tape, a sophomore at Schuyler High School tried to find it. His friends didn't help Now that school has started, he tries for new ways to explore the town. Dina was in a car accident on her birthday that sent her to the hospital with a broken back. It wasn't the way she wanted to start the sixth grade. Orville is Mix Tape's best friend. Unlike Mix Tape, he hates...