JM Bolton


A former newspaper feature writer and science author, JM Bolton has written more than 20 books, both fiction and non-fiction, and is the winner of the Quill and Scroll and a Royal Palm Literary Award for fiction. Her publishers include Ballantine/Del Rey, IDBPI, and Fat Pony Music Books. She has freelanced for several publishers, including Barron’s Educational Series, where she worked as a writer and content editor. An artist as well as a writer, Bolton designs book covers and does scientific illustrations. Currently, Bolton is arranging music and working on her 12th music book. Her resume includes several genres, including historical, science fiction-fantasy, textbooks, and how-to titles.

Smashwords Interview

How and when did your interest in writing begin?
Because I am dyslexic, I had a lot of trouble learning to read. When I was in grade school they didn't have programs to help students with such issues, and so I had to figure out how to compensate by myself. One of my elementary teachers used to read to the class after lunch. As I listened, with my head down on the desk and my eyes closed, I would watch a movie in my head. When I realized that I could also watch a mental movie while looking at words on a page I began to “read.” Unfortunately, since I didn’t actually process groups of letters as words, I had a lot of trouble learning to spell, but at least I could read! And I did; I read constantly. Eventually, fed by reading materials, I started playing “what if.” And that led to writing. Now I get ideas all the time. I’ll never be able to write all the books I imagine!
What is your writing style?
I suppose I could write cerebral, academic tomes, but after many years as a high school teacher (and having to create a lot of my teaching materials), I have evolved a writing style that is (I hope) both entertaining and informative. I like to tell stories, and I feel that, in order to reach your audience, you need to entertain them. At the same time, I seem to have a knack for organization. There’s nothing different from organizing items on a shelf or organizing words on a page. In both cases, you want to present material to show a logical relationship, be it linear or otherwise.
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Other Dimensions: A Bookstore
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 59,220. Language: English. Published: December 30, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Urban
There are holes in reality, openings into other dimensions. For the most part, people know nothing about this. Nor do they want to. But someone has to protect the world from the things that go “bump in the night,” and that would be me. I own the bookstore.
La Dama y el Pirata
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 73,630. Language: Spanish. Published: May 12, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Romance » Historical » General
¿Una mujer sola en el Caribe? No en 1692! Así que cuando Morgan se encuentra a merced de Daniel Harris, uno de los bucaneros más notorios del Meno español, tiene que hacer lo mejor que pueda. Y cuando Daniel es capturado y encarcelado, ella tiene que encontrar la manera de liberarlo, cueste lo que cueste ." Recibió el premio Royal Palm Literary Award for Romance de Florida.
Herederos del Imperio
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 63,630. Language: Spanish. Published: May 12, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera
¡Tantos Herederos del Imperio! ¿A cuál debe matar Hali? La elección de un nuevo emperador es un asunto serio y todos en el imperio tienen un papel que desempeñar. Nadie se atreve a quedarse al margen, ¡aunque involucrarse pueda costarles la vida! Y luego está el gato... "Romance y aventura: la mejor ópera espacial"
Heirs to the Empire
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There are more than a thousand ways to kill someone, and Hali knows them all. Now she only has only one last job to do, but suddenly everything is going wrong, and she’ll be lucky if she survives. Electing a new emperor is a serious business and everyone has a part to play, including the emperor himself and his best friend who just happens to be a vampire. And then there’s the cat ...
The Lady and the Pirate
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 74,600. Language: English. Published: March 11, 2022 . Categories: Fiction » Historical » General
“LADY & THE PIRATE is non-stop adventure & romance "...goes beyond the ordinary historical with excellent characters & an interesting complex plot.” It received the Royal Palm Literary Award for Romance. “Sweeping from the torrid heat of the West Indies to the icy palaces of 17th century England, LADY & THE PIRATE is an adventure with a fine dose of mystery and interesting characters." (Reviews)
The City of Three Moons
Price: $1.99 USD. Words: 85,870. Language: English. Published: July 18, 2011 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure
Part of a rescue mission, empathic doctor, Riley Griey is sent to a planet that turns out to be alive. Now she has to find a way to communicate with this alien hive mentality before the human colonists there are annihilated. But she can't do that unless she learns to work with the team's enigmatic leader, Colonel Mac McKenna, the man responsible for destroying her homeworld.