Janet Heads

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The Casimir Effect
Series: The Lock Carron Series, Book 2. Price: $4.95 USD. Words: 167,560. Language: English. Originally Published: July 26, 2014 by Janet Heads. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Historical » Medieval
The year is 1313. The MacDonalds discover a woman half frozen outside their castle. Janet Hendrick finds herself in a MacDonald castle, frightened and feeling alone. She is launched into a quest of survival to find her way home.With the burden of a secret, she is terrified she will be found out. Janet needs to tread carefully as the men who were her rescuers, could also end her life. Befriended...
The Overlanders
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 124,280. Language: English. Originally Published: November 3, 2013 by Janet Heads. Categories: Fiction » Historical » General
The year is 1853. Peter Paterson wants to escape England and the claustrophobic class system. Tall and handsome, he could have any woman he wanted, but the one he wanted was promised to someone else. His sister Sarah also found herself trapped, her life mapped out before her, pushing her into marriage and having children. Peter wants to go to New Zealand, a new colony far away from England...
The Laird's Daughters
Series: The Lock Carron Series, Book 1. Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 182,990. Language: English. Originally Published: December 3, 2013 by Janet Heads. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Historical » General
The Laird’s Daughters It is the year 1312 in the turbulent highlands of Scotland. Nineteen year old Katherine Frazer, daughter of Laird Frazer, is a prisoner in her own home. Suddenly, she finds herself married to David MacDonald, the soon to be chieftain of the MacDonald’s of Loch Carron. Along with her cousin Helen Urquhart, she is whisked away from her overprotective father to Loch Carron...
A Taste of Blood
Series: The Loch Carron Series, Book 6. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 154,600. Language: English. Originally Published: March 15, 2016 by Janet Heads. Categories: Fiction » Historical » General
1326-1333. The MacDonald men and woman are still passionate about each other, but it is the fighting, that keeps them alive. Scotland will win two battles but will lose one, with devastating results. The men are gone and within days of having her fifth child Katherine is thrust into defending the castle. She truly becomes the Lady in charge, when it is once more, besieged by the Campbells, and...
Ladies, Lasses and Chevaleresses
Series: The Loch Carron Series, Book 5. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 161,610. Language: English. Originally Published: December 21, 2015 by Janet Heads. Categories: Fiction » Historical » General
Through the years of 1321 to 1326, Duncan MacDonald, Constable, of the clan and castle is always in control, always on guard. He is the clan chess player moving his family from square to square when necessary, but he in turn is also a pawn on a much larger chessboard. Both males and females have to make their own way from child to adult, through the dangerous maze of life. It is a course they...
The Chameleon
Series: The Loch Carron Series, Book 7. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 142,710. Language: English. Originally Published: November 2, 2016 by Janet Heads. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Action/adventure, Fiction » Romance » Historical » Medieval
The Chameleon 1334-1341 Time marches on and the babies of the castle are coming of age. Hormones run amuck and need taming. Not only the young men, but the old, as the MacDonald daughters are also causing problems. A chameleon is finding it hard to keep a secret, and the chance of becoming a squire, forces the soldier to hide their inner feelings. A Knight falls in love with a squire, and a...
People Of The Mist
Series: The Loch Carron Series, Book 4. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 142,010. Language: English. Originally Published: May 28, 2015 by Janet Heads. Categories: Fiction » Romance » Historical » Medieval
1317-1320 The men are back in their own time again. Gautier and Robert are adapting, subtly introducing modern methods. Alexander is finding it hard and is missing someone. James, one of Duncan’s sons is now sixteen, and falls in love, but will the clan allow him to have his way. He and his brother Thomas, learns a lesson the hard way, and forces Duncan’s heart to be yet again torn between the...
Check Mate
Series: The Loch Carron Series, Book 3. Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 144,430. Language: English. Originally Published: September 24, 2014 by Janet Heads. Categories: Fiction » Historical » General
What now? Alexander, Gautier, Robert and Janet, have flicked back into the twenty-first century. How will the men adapt, and will this bring conflict between Janet and Alexander, who wants to keep some old ideas in place? Exploring the new world, they need an income. Once more the adventurers are on the move, treasure hunting. Clues lead to the great cathedral, St Peter and Paul, in Troyes...
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