Janine Rogan


Janine Rogan, CPA, is a passionate keynote and TEDx speaker. She is the founder and CEO of The Wealth Building Academy Inc. and an award-winning CPA. Her mission is to educate and empower women to

confidently and profitably grow their wealth, through financial equality for all.

She has been featured in international media (BNN, Yahoo! Finance, CTV, and more) and has delivered keynotes to thousands of individuals and companies around the world. She currently sits on the CPA Alberta Education Foundation board, the board of the Further Education Society of Alberta (FESA), and the planning committee of the AICPA Women’s Global Leadership Summit. She is also the cohost of the Pink Tax Podcast—where she and Tara Faria smash the patriarchy one dollar at a time.

Janine is a University of Alberta alumna, born and raised in Edmonton, Canada, and is currently pursuing her Master of Economics of Sustainability at Torrens University in Adelaide, Australia. She lives in Calgary with her husband, Andrew, and their son, Theodore.


The Pink Tax: Dismantling a Financial System Designed to Keep Women Broke
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 42,460. Language: English. Published: May 4, 2023 by Janine Rogan. Categories: Nonfiction » Business & Economics, Nonfiction » Social Science » Women's studies, Nonfiction » Business & Economics » Personal success, Nonfiction » Social Science » Feminism & Feminist Theory
Unleash your inner financial feminist and smash the patriarchy, one dollar at a time Women don't build wealth in the same way that men do - and it's not because we shop too much. Younger generations are struggling to match the financial successes that generations before them experienced, and this is even more true for women, who continue to earn less for doing the same work as men. As a result...

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