Joshua Olumoye

Noah: Curses & Blessings That Shape Human Races
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 29,450. Language: English. Originally Published: April 16, 2024 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
Have you ever asked yourself why did the western Europe dominate the world and why was Russia the biggest country in the world and why were the major religion of the world came from the middle east and Asia and why are the Africans though rich in mineral resources are behind in every aspect of life? This is due to what I initially condemn as a lie, this is due to the curses and the blessings of...
The Secret of Esau
Price: $24.99 USD. Words: 43,180. Language: English. Originally Published: January 12, 2024 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
Jacob and Esau are two important figures in the bible that shape the world, Jacob became Israel by default and Esau became Israel by conversion. The two started fighting and racing from the womb over the blessings of their father, Esau won the race and deserve the blessings but eventually Jacob got it by falsification. And this begins the hatred of Esau towards Jacob, but Esau got one piece of...
Loose Me and Let Me Go
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 27,850. Language: English. Originally Published: December 7, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
All men born by women have one battle or the other. We are all bound by Satan from the creation and we all need to be loosed and only Yeshua HaMashiach can truly loose man and loose man indeed. All other freedom which is not from God will end up in hell. Many of us have life but not life in abundant, many of us are free but not free indeed. The Bible says you shall know the truth and the truth...
Who Is Supreme?
Price: $19.99 USD. Words: 45,400. Language: English. Originally Published: November 18, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
The battle of supremacy started between God and Satan, Satan lost to God, and the battle now becomes Satan and Yeshua, again Satan lost to Yeshua and the battle now becomes Satan and men and this time around men lost to Satan at the garden of Eden. But God who knew the end from the beginning planned it this way so He can reap righteous men to reign with Yeshua in the new world. For no man can...
Church The Antichrist
Price: $19.99 USD. Words: 47,450. Language: English. Originally Published: November 8, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
According to Psalm 82:5 presently the world is upside down and what we have now are the opposite of what it should be, but many did not know, we are all standing on satanic foundation. What if Jesus we are professing today is another Jesus? And what if the spirit controlling the church now is another spirit? And what if the gospel today is another gospel? For if he that cometh preacheth another...
Who Are Israelites?
Price: $14.99 USD. Words: 26,870. Language: English. Originally Published: October 31, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
There are two types of Israelites, the physical Israelites which are the children of Jacob and their descendant, the spiritual Israelites which are the genuine born-again believers. The physical Israelites is a shadow of spiritual Israelites, for God promise to Abraham is that "And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed." So, God is about the whole world, but the physical...
This Beast Is Dead Serious
Price: $14.99 USD. Words: 23,800. Language: English. Originally Published: October 21, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
What used to be a serpent in the book of Genesis, is now leviathan in the book of Job and in the book of Revelation it has become the dragon. As the end is fast approaching Satan is not having enough time on his side to accomplish his aim of taking as many as he could to hell. His aim is to take all to hell but he has failed for many are dead as saints already and there are still saints around...
End Time Wars, Antichrist & One World Government
Price: $14.99 USD. Words: 48,240. Language: English. Originally Published: October 15, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
The world is moving fast towards the one world where one leader (Antichrist) a dictator will rule, but this will not come to pass without a major war. This book shows how this was foretold and unfolds in the bible.
Yhwh The Holy Spirit
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 47,920. Language: English. Originally Published: October 10, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
Yahweh original plan is to dwell in man and He can only do so as a spirit. And all believers are the temple of the Holy Spirit, that was why Yeshua told his disciples it is to your advantage that I go so I can come back again into you as Holy Spirits and dwell inside you. Holy Spirit is God and He is the power of God and He is all we need to be god but He cannot dwell inside a sinners and...
Witchcrafts the Origin
Price: $14.99 USD. Words: 35,490. Language: English. Originally Published: September 30, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
Witchcrafts is a spiritual knowledge of how the cosmic and the physical world are controlled. Witchcrafts is part of the heavenly knowledge known to Satan and the fallen angels, which in turn was transferred to men.Witchcrafts is limited to the knowledge of good and evil and does not have the knowledge of life eternal. Surprisingly science and technology are the physical manifestation of...
End Time, Tribulations, Mark of The Beast & Rapture
Price: $14.99 USD. Words: 31,690. Language: English. Originally Published: September 28, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
The truth about the end time is that the end time does not end the world but ends the circle of a sinful world and it is the beginning of the new and sinless world thus the new earth and the new heaven. There are two types of tribulations, general tribulations from Satan and great tribulations from God. The mark of the beast will be made manifest during the tribulation of Satan and is already...
Far Superior Hosts, Far Superior Weapons
Price: $14.99 USD. Words: 55,030. Language: English. Originally Published: September 26, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
Life is a battlefield, whether you like it or not you will fight. And there is no man that can win this battle on his own.This battle is between good and evil and to be victorious in this battle, superior hosts and superior weapons are needed and this superior host and weapons belong to the Lord of Host. For the weapon of our warfare are not canal but mighty through God to the pulling down of...
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 26,090. Language: English. Originally Published: September 23, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
It takes power, strength, or energy to do all things in life, more so it takes spiritual power to live in this powerful world; The kingdom of this world is run by Satan for now and so it will be till the second coming. so to live in this world as a believer you need power from above that surpasses all the power in this world and this power is in Yeshua. This book explain the need for supreme...
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 20,320. Language: English. Originally Published: September 24, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
Authority is the right to use power in a particular realm or area. authority and power goes together. Men can have power without authority, but you cannot have authority without power. Power is very important but power without authority is useless. . Authority is what make your power meaningful. Power is not in full effect until it is power-full for a believer's power to be power-full he must...
Blood of Yeshua (Victory, Atonement, Redemption & Bloodline Cleansing)
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 37,530. Language: English. Originally Published: September 22, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
The strength of any sacrifice, altars and shrines depends on the strength of the blood used on them. Blood of Yeshua is the strongest blood in heaven and on earth and Yeshua is the only being in heaven that have blood. Satan and all angles have no blood, with the blood of Yeshua the angels were able to overcome satan in heaven. This blood is available for all believers here on earth. This book...
Mercy Triumphs
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 31,400. Language: English. Originally Published: September 21, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
Men have been corrupted and far gone and God cannot deal with men directly but through mercy platform God could relate with men again. Mercy is so powerful and it will cancel all judgement guilty or not if you repent genuinely. Yeshua is mercy.
Yeshua Born December or April?
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 23,500. Language: English. Originally Published: September 20, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
The bible was clear about the date of Yeshua's conception and the date of his birth should not be confused but somehow the world is bewitched to believed it was December 25th. This book will show you more lies that were made true by the modern Christianity to deceived the world and more details about the foreshadows of Yeshua's birth.
For His Glory
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 40,860. Language: English. Originally Published: September 18, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
I wondered why God waited for the 3 Hebrew boys to be thrown to the fire before he showed up but at the end of the story his name was glorified by the king and the whole nations. In that battle you think will never end God waiting so he can be glorified. In everything God want to be glorified, God does not participate in anything that will not glorify him even in our deliverance.
Creation(In Relation to End Time, Science & Evolution)
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 21,370. Language: English. Originally Published: September 17, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
Based on 1 day to 1000 years theory, no man has lived up to one day of God since creation 1 day of God is 1000 thousand years of human existence, the only man closest was Methuselah which lived 969 years. 1 day of creation is 1000 years of earth and God created the earth in 6 days showing this sinful world will be finish in 6000 years and God rested in the 7th day which is the 1000 millennium...
The Beginning of God
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 21,850. Language: English. Originally Published: September 17, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
God is without beginning and is without end but when the bible says he is the beginning and the end, bible is referring to the beginning of his project and the end of his project. Particularly the beginning and the end of the living creatures, angels, and the human beings. We all begin with him, but we will end up either in heaven or hell, good or bad respectively. Bible says all things were...
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 18,830. Language: English. Originally Published: September 16, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
Newness is one of the qualities of God of God and that is why he said "behold I will do a new thing", "behold I made all things new" and bible says his his steadfast love never cease and his mercy never come to an end, but they are new every morning. God is still in the business of doing a new thing but he does it in a different way in the life of individuals. Even in the end the world will not...
Restoration to Perfection
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 16,560. Language: English. Originally Published: September 16, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
Our God is a God of restoration, the purpose and mission of Yeshua in life is to restore mankind back to God and through this process he will restore us back to our original state. There is no situation or case that God cannot reverse, for with God all things are possibble and that is why he is God of all flesh. Satan came to steal kill and destroy but Yeshua came to restore us, he gives us...
China and Russia Leads in End Time (According to the Bible)
Price: $14.99 USD. Words: 29,990. Language: English. Originally Published: September 16, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality » Biblical Studies / History & Culture
According to the bible the two final battles in the end time are fought from the east showing that the base of Antichrist in the end time will be in the east. Though the west will lead the world to Antichrist but the final place of Satanic battle is Gog and Magog which will be China and Russia. Several activities leads to this shifting from the west to east in the Bible. This book shows how...
I Am
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 19,930. Language: English. Originally Published: September 14, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
I AM is the greatest name of God because it shows all that God can ever be and when God complete it by saying I AM THAT I AM he is telling us I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE. You need healing?, I will be your healer. Are you hungry? I will be the bread of life. Are you thirsty? I will be the living water. Another thing about the word I AM is that when apply it to your situation you will become what...
Love, Grace, Mercy & Favor (Know the Differences and Uses)
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 15,660. Language: English. Originally Published: September 13, 2023 by Joshua Olumoye. Categories: Nonfiction » Religion & Spirituality
Love, grace, mercy, and favor are four major characteristics of God that we cannot do without, and these characteristics are all related to one another,. These four characteristics of God are used instead of one another in the bible because of their relationship. This book explain the different between these characters of God, the greatest among the four, how to get them, how to keep them and...