K.S. Dearsley


Diabolical Plots Year Five
Series: Diabolical Plots Anthology Series, Book 4. Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 67,630. Language: English. Originally Published: April 1, 2019 by Diabolical Plots, LLC. Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Short stories, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General, Fiction » Fantasy » Short stories
This anthology collects 26 original stories that will run in the fifth year of Diabolical Plots, an online magazine of science fiction and fantasy. A metrics-driven approach for utopia, a fantastical YouTube challenge, a Lovecraftian Millennial thinkpiece, correspondence with a professor at a magical school, time trains, magical idols in a magicless place. The stories vary from humorous to...

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