

K.C. has been an author for more than two decades. He's written twenty-eight full-length novels and a dozen screenplays.
Born in Wantagh, New York, he was raised in a small town outside Philadelphia, PA. In the fall of 1990, he attended Hawaii Pacific University where he eventually received a Bachelor's in Math and Science. While living on Oahu, he took up scuba diving, and became a PADI scuba instructor. Upon graduation, he moved to St. Thomas where and taught diving until Hurricane Marilyn blew him further out to sea. Simply be accident, he happened upon a position teaching diving with the Radisson Diamond cruise ship. During that truly remarkable experience, he visted every major island in the Caribbean except Cuba. When his last tour was completed, he ventured across the pond to Europe, before ultimately settling in South Florida in 1997. He has been living, and writing there ever since.
Constantly on the move, he developed many of his zany characters and twisted plotlines from the various people and places with whom he crossed paths along the way. A rootless existence forged his unique writing style, which circumvents the traditional, and encompasses a variety of genres. From fantasy fiction to action-adventure and from romance to murder mysteries, K.C. truly is a chameleon in the literary world.

The 2014 Delray Affair was his professional debut and he hopes to carry that success into the future. All five books K.C. is sharing with you on this site have one thing in common, besides the author, and that is Delray Beach, Florida. Voted in 2013 as "Rand McNally's Most Fun Small Town in America,” The Village by the Sea offers something for every taste just as K.C. provides literary entertainment for every adult's pallet..

Where to find K.C. online


I Choose...
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 82,280. Language: English. Published: April 26, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary
Sean Michael Ryan must choose to save humanity or the earth we live on. In preparation for his choice, a bitter war rages on between those who would prefer the planet and those tasked with protecting humanity at all costs. Sean is torn between them. Ultimately, when the three groups clash in an epic final battle, it turns out there was even more at stake then any of them could ever have imagined
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 69,240. Language: English. Published: April 26, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Inspirational, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Medical
Peter Thorpe is an aged rocker who never wanted the party to end. It isn't until he has to choose between detox or prison that he gets the point. At the McLaren Center, Peter is teamed up with a celebrity drunk, a sex addict, a cutter, and several other dysfunctional addicts. There he discovers group therapy is as much about the support of his new “family,” as it is about the recovery itself.
It's Just Another Delray Affair.
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 104,600. Language: English. Published: April 26, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Romance » Historical » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Crime thriller
In 1898, Adam Fox and Garrison Peterson helped to found the city of Linton, Florida, and then split under bad terms. One hundred-and-fifteen-years later, their great-grandchildren are about to embark on a torrid affair. With a kidnapper stalking them at every turn, you never know what the future will hold. After all, "It's Just Another Delray Affair."
Bad Habits Die Hard
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 55,390. Language: English. Published: April 24, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Plays & Screenplays » American
Marissa Praver was a famous child actor who could not handle the pressure of fame. Dillon Phillip's world was turned upside down when his young wife dies. Three years later, he is considering asking out Samantha, the cute server at his favorite bar. Everything changes when Marissa Praver comes to Delray. Quickly,their lives become a soap opera between the wino, the widower, and the waitress.
Price: $0.99 USD. Words: 93,470. Language: English. Published: April 23, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » General
A major hurricane leaves the body of a young woman in its wake. Detective Martin Britches knows she is not just another storm victim. Yet, for every clue he digs up and witness he deposes, the plot twists further and further,.As the mysteries slowly unravel, the same three questions remain: Who was she? Who killed her? What is the truth behind the body that Hurricane Natasha left behind?