
Publisher info

We regret to inform our readers that KCEditions is closing its doors as of the end of August 2019. It was a great four years, but the time has come to move on to new projects and make books in other capacities. Some of us will be moving on to a new publishing house named "Pen Knights Press" when it opens in November.

As of the end of August, our books will be taken out of print to give Pen Knights Press the chance to re-release and relaunch them all with brand new editions.

Again, thank you for your support and patronage.

Smashwords Interview

How do you discover the ebooks you read?
Randomly. Often we just pick up our next book or e-book from here or the various different channels. Usually they come from personal suggestions by other readers.
How do you approach cover design?
Strategically. We have to think about the genre, and the author, when we approach it. Often there are numerous drafts of the same cover before we finally settle on what we'll use but it has to look sharp and professional. In the early days of pre-ordering and pre-release we will use a draft if the final isn't available but give snippets of development as each phase of pre-release is reached.
Read more of this interview.

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