Lacey Reah


Lacey Reah has worked as a teacher, a fitness and yoga guru, a healer, an actress and a writer. She has traveled the globe, living in major cities such as Manilla, Sydney, Los Angeles and New York; working odd- ended jobs such as retail sales and being a paid psychic. Wherever she went, she has taken the opportunity to track every key point of her life and document it. So much has happened in her life and with heavy bouts of sleep paralysis that it is difficult to discern the reality from the fantasy. She is on a lifetime search for truth.

Where to find Lacey Reah online


She Talks To Ghosts
Price: Free! Words: 6,210. Language: English. Published: May 24, 2015 . Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal
(4.00 from 1 review)
Gina communicates with ghosts better than she communicates with people. One day she is drawn to a beautiful spirit who happens to be undead. But why can’t this spirit stay within the confines of its own body, like the other living humans? Why does it seem to be missing a piece? Gina is determined to understand this spirit, who turns out to be more important than she expected.
The Confessional
Price: Free! Words: 7,190. Language: English. Published: September 3, 2014 . Categories: Fiction » Horror » Crime
(4.67 from 3 reviews)
When a priest's most punctual and sinfully lustful confessor stops coming, he's convinced that she was murdered by her sadistic lover. Determined to solve the mystery, his journey into the secret life of this enigmatic woman leads to a tangled web of sex, violence and dark secrets about him and the woman he has always loved.
Enlightened Ones
Price: $3.50 USD. Words: 79,330. Language: English. Published: April 28, 2013 . Categories: Fiction » Religious, Fiction » Horror » Crime
(5.00 from 3 reviews)
A literary novel that reveals the secrets and personal stories of the members of a powerful, brainwashing cult.
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 31,450. Language: English. Published: July 7, 2011 . Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Menage & Multiple Partners
(3.67 from 9 reviews)
An intimate and disturbing metamorphosis from woman to night beast, enslaved by a murderous sexual appetite.

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