Leon Stevens


Poetry Treasures 2: Relationships
Series: Poetry Treasures. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 9,320. Language: English. Originally Published: March 12, 2022 by WordCrafter Press. Categories: Poetry » U.K. Poetry, Poetry » African Poetry, Poetry » Female authors, Poetry » American poetry » General
A collection of poetry from the poet/author guests of Robbie Cheadle on the "Treasuring Poetry" blog series on Writing to be Read in 2021. Relationships are golden and each of Arthur Rosch, Elizabeth Merry, D Avery, Robbie Cheadle, Harmony Kent, Lauren Scott, Julespaige, Leon Stevens, Colleen M. Chesebro, Miriam Hurdle, Marjorie Mallon, and Lynda McKinney Lambert pay poetic tribute to their...

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