Max Alexander


Max Alexander is an author, journalist, onetime farmer and failed politician. Failure is in fact a central theme in his books, which have been called "how-not-tos," although many of his subjects refuse to cooperate and actually make something of themselves, against all odds. His latest book, "Bright Lights, No City," chronicles a three-year adventure in the West African country of Ghana, where his entrepreneur brother has been attempting to launch a new for-profit business providing innovative goos and services to low-income customers.

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Man Bites Log: The Unlikely Adventures of a City Guy in the Woods
Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 65,400. Language: English. Published: February 9, 2012 . Categories: Nonfiction » Entertainment » Humor & satire » Form / essays
A hilarious how-not-to by a big-city journalist who decides to pack it in and head for the simple life in rural Maine. There Alexander battles firewood poachers, corporate polluters and his own expectations, eventually running for local office. This classic tale is back in a brand new e-edition with a beautiful new cover and other original artwork, plus two bonus chapters and 44 color photographs.

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