Michael Chaese


Michael Chaese is a multi-genre novelist residing in London, England. His iconic approach to the first-person differs within each book.

Smashwords Interview

What do you read for pleasure?
When I'm feeling fed up, I turn to Lucy Montgomery, Jack Mars, or some other expert of the craft. When I'm feeling curious, I turn to my favourite Wattpad authors. MJRainlover23 is someone who's caught my eye particularly.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Michael Chaese online


Price: $4.15 USD. Words: 66,970. Language: British English. Published: April 8, 2021 . Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General
BCNiNi is a multi-billion year journey through time and space, where humans are documented building their civilisation from nothing. However, this tale occurs after the Big Crunch has already begun, and above all else, physics appears to have been reversed. It all starts with a scientist, his ingenious inventions, and his desperate struggle to stay alive in a world closing in from all sides.
Rule Two-Fifty
Price: $4.15 USD. Words: 35,130. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2021 . Categories: Fiction » Adventure » Action
In the Age of Knights everyone must follow the laws. Rule 2 declares that each person must write their own law when the time is ready, making the world a better place. This story follows the chaos that ensues the day the 250th law is created declaring, "You shall not eat". Written on the Novelist app for Android.

Michael Chaese's tag cloud

big crunch    lightning    superpowers    universe    war