Melissa Tagliatela


I taught German at the middle school and high school levels. That was in Bennington, Vermont, and Neenah, Wisconsin, in the United States. I also taught English as a second Language in Wallingford, Connecticut. Before I became a teacher, I travelled throughout Germany. I attended a boarding school which was a rustic castle and a language institute in Berlin and in Austria .I spent my junior year of college at the University of Munich. I enjoy cross country skiing, snowshoeing, and hiking. I am the mother of a loving teenager.


Anna and Inge
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 30,820. Language: English. Published: May 25, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Romance » LGBTQ+ » General
Two women meet in the hospital. They discover that they have a lot in common. Both speak German and have taught German. Both suffer from broken marriages. They immediately become close friends. Anna jokingly suggests that they move away from the United States.
Anna und Inge
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 30,370. Language: German. Published: January 11, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » LGBTQ+ » General
Zwei Frauen treffen sich im Krankenhaus. Sie entdecken, dass sie viel gemeinsam haben. Beide sprechen Deutsch und haben Deutsch unterrichtet. Beide leiden unter zerbrochenen Ehen. Sie werden sofort enge Freunde. Anna schlägt scherzhaft vor, dass sie aus den Vereinigten Staaten wegziehen sollten. Inge beschreibt ihren Traumort, Kap Sounion in Griechenland.

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