Melody Brands


Identity reveal shocks the family when the hours wiled away with books and notebooks, pencils, pens, erasers, sketch pads, and endless tapping of keys on the computer has resulted in a stubborn adherence to the rules of the writing life. Finding a community of writers through a college MFA program, a gluttonous three years when my constant reading and writing was completely legitimized, I no longer apologetically put the book down, or stepped away from my desk every time the phone rang or the UPS man arrived, I now had some ammo in my war of succumbing to the mundane and expedient, overcoming the inner dialogue that screams that writing is a hobby except for a fortunate few. I had assignments, deadlines, and an academic audience with high expectations driving me to write, regardless. I had to create, revise, and polish then publish..
I reside nowhere and everywhere, planning workshops and attending events that feed my creative soul, while I keep my feet on the earth with a penchant for activism. Every day is an adventure. Every day is a delicious poem, a juggernaut book, a silent militancy as both immediacy and legacy is served up like a slumgulleon casserole on dutch blue plates on a winters evening.

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A Strategy to Survive the Economic Impact of Covid-19
Price: $1.00 USD. Words: 1,120. Language: English. Published: December 18, 2021 . Categories: Essay » Business
This is a white paper to be used with businesses who are still transitioning from solely a brick & mortar model to add a digital component increasing cash flow, market share, and profitability.

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