Michelle Lake


Michelle Lake was born on the beautiful island of Jamaica, where she spent the earlier years of her childhood finding enjoyment in moonlight nights by the ocean and the balmy afternoons sitting and dining on the shores with meals of freshly caught snapper fish, lobsters, and festival (a native delight).

Her career in writing started when she was only twelve years old, winning her first national literary contest writing about a day in the life of a tooth.

Since then, she has written numerous essays, articles, and will continue to examine life and its bevy of feelings exemplified by its inhabitants called human beings.

It is her wish that each time you engage your eyes with her work, you will be transported to another world of beauty through her eyes as well as resonating with the description.



100 Ways To Love Your Boyfriend
Series: 100 Ways To Love. Price: $8.99 USD. Words: 10,700. Language: English. Originally Published: December 30, 2021 by Michelle Lake. Categories: Nonfiction » Parenting » Divorce & children, Nonfiction » Relationships & Family » Dating, Nonfiction » Relationships & Family » Friendship, Nonfiction » Relationships & Family » Marriage
This unique book of love notes and ideas to refresh your love will give you 100 Ways To Love Your Boyfriend! It is the perfect love book for a boyfriend and one of many ideal gifts for your boyfriend, especially before Valentine's Day. Ideal gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply 'just because'! Ideas for the single man or the man with children as well. You will love it..and so will your...