Mphiliseni Mthimkhulu

Publisher info

Mphiliseni Mthimkhulu is a South African poet and published author based in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu Natal. He is an engineer by qualification. Having worked for Eskom for over 15 years, he is now running his own engineering firm called Engabazeni Resources. At the moment, he treats writing more as a hobby and past time activity, although he has dreams of writing quite a number of books, specializing in Zulu history, short stories and poems.

So far Mphiliseni has published the book called THE SECOND LIBERATION. The book is a collection of both English and IsiZulu poems.

Where to find Mphiliseni Mthimkhulu online


The Second Liberation
Price: $7.99 USD. Words: 6,890. Language: English. Published: July 4, 2019 . Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Motivation & inspiration
With to-the-point wit, craft and acuity, in his first book, Mphiliseni Mthimkhulu launches a series of distinguished and sublime poems that hinge on history, politics, language, love and identity as he intertwines them with daily life.

Mphiliseni Mthimkhulu's tag cloud

journey    life    love    relationship