Naya Lake


Naya Lake is the daughter of Raina Lake. Like her mother, she loves to read and has an imagination that is limitless. Her greatest enjoyment comes from learning new things about subjects she already loves. She told small stories for years before she decided she wanted to write a "real book." With guidance and unwavering support, she has conveyed her thoughts and ideas to create the Copy Cats series with Raina as a co-writer to bring it to life. She hopes you enjoy the worlds she's created.



Series: Copy Cats, Book 1. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 13,170. Language: English. Originally Published: February 23, 2023 by Raina Lake. Categories: Nonfiction » Children's Books » Fiction
Shela is a ten-year-old Plutonian girl. But she isn't like other Plutonians. She's blonde-haired and fair-skinned, and she can heat up a room with her hands. When she learns the Sun is dying, she knows she can help heal it. But there are more secrets that need to be revealed and more work to do before she can hope to make things right again. Join Shela as she learns about a family secret that...