October Publishing

White Girl Within: Letters of Self-Discovery Between a Transgender and Transracial Black Man and His Inner Female
Price: $9.99 USD. Words: 84,930. Language: English. Published: January 18, 2023 by October Publishing. Categories: Nonfiction » Social Science » Gender studies, Nonfiction » Social Science » Africana, Nonfiction » LGBTQ+ » Biographies, Nonfiction » Biography » Cultural heritage
Embrace your radical, authentic self with this poetic self-help memoir. "Do you want to be a White girl, Ronnie?" "I want to be free." Two identities struggle to coexist in Ronnie Gladden's body, brain, and soul. On the outside, they are Black and male. Inside, a repressed White female identity begs for release and is ready to break the status quo. Grappling with double-binary thinking, an...