Peregrine Wade

Smashwords Interview

What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
So many different things! There's so much stuff I want to do, whether it's writing, reading, watching movies, going for a walk in the forest, making home-made pizza, playing RPGs, working on my PhD research, messing about in Inkscape, editing my latest short film, making digital music...

Basically, I want to create things, share things, learn new stuff, constantly. Carpe diem.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yes, I do! It was a completely demented Donald Duck/Star Wars crossover, where Donald Duck got bitten by a pterodactyl and turned into a Jedi. I was very young: I had to enlist my parents' help to write it down.

I guess that would qualify as fan-fiction nowadays.
Read more of this interview.

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Price: Free! Words: 89,290. Language: British English. Published: October 29, 2018 . Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense, Fiction » Science fiction » General
London, 2047. Policeman Howard Palmer's life changes forever when he helps usher in a new age of law enforcement. Twenty years later, his adoptive daughter Ruth has followed in his footsteps, confident in her own superhuman abilities. But things are about to go horribly wrong as her true parentage finally catches up with her.

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