Paul Douglas Lovell


The best word to describe Paul Douglas Lovell is "unconventional" and it makes sense that his author bio would also be far from typical.

Coming from a motherless family of five children, this runt of the litter had to scratch and scramble for any attention he received. In his book, Playing Out: Swings and Roundabouts, the reader finds a young Paul in the 1970s living on the margins of society. Homelife was always unsteady with the threat of eviction and a struggle to pay for amenities. It was a cold and hungry existence. Petty criminality and abuse further distorted his outlook on life, and he quickly became a problem child.

His time at school was spent on everything, but learning. Empty Corridors: Learning to Fail finds Paul attending school in the 1980s, without much change. He was still labelled a problem. His academic knowledge, that of an eleven-year-old, he left school without qualifications, struggling to read and lacking ambition.

Yet, within a year, a seed was sown. Paul yearned to become a writer. Even at 16, he knew he had enough fodder for a book, though it would be years before he would commit any of it to paper.

That required courage and understanding of his past. He tried his hand at fiction, keeps a sealed envelope containing his first draft complete with grammatical errors and misused words. One saving grace, Paul was a clean slate, and, once he moved to London, he spent time gaining whatever knowledge he could.

In Paulyanna: International Rent Boy, the reader finds Paul living in London during the 1990s and working the streets, a profession he fell into and one that suited him. While unorthodox, and regardless of ethics and judgments, he felt valued for the first time in his life. Being paid for being himself felt like an achievement. He was encouraged to take a beginner writing course and a course in media studies. He obtained a job in a production and distribution company. Music television was the perfect employer, Paul was tasked with writing synopses of the concerts to further practice his art.

He moved to Switzerland in 2000. Began working as a classroom assistant in a kindergarten. The irony of scrawling "Mr. Lovell" on the blackboard when he covered a class of rowdy teenagers brings a smile to his face

Paul now spends his time writing memoirs, haiku, and creating collage, comics and images.

Where to find Paul Douglas Lovell online


Switzerland Inspired: Haiku and Senryu Poetry
Price: $4.10 USD. Words: 21,660. Language: English. Originally Published: February 24, 2024 by Paul Douglas Lovell. Categories: Poetry, Nonfiction » Travel » By region » Europe, Nonfiction » Science & Nature » Nature
(5.00 from 1 review)
Inhale the alpine air, follow a breeze across a field of bowing grasses, close your eyes. Listen to the idle clonk of cowbells, the caw of crows and, in the far distance, a farm dog. Slowly exhale, open your eyes to the splendour of Switzerland. This anthology of 500+ poems evokes images of the natural world. Unorthodox, witty & sometimes gritty, enjoy the often undervalued poetic form of haiku.
Playing Out: Swings and Roundabouts
Price: $4.12 USD. Words: 71,330. Language: English. Originally Published: April 1, 2022 by Paul Douglas Lovell. Categories: Nonfiction » LGBTQ+ » Biographies, Nonfiction » Biography » Criminals & outlaws
If Paul was a pigeon his dad would probably wring his neck. The runt of the litter, the youngest of five, he grasps at life. Children struggle with different and Paul is unique. He's being raised by his dad on social welfare… It's the 1970s, toys are crap and money is short. Struggling with the constraints of poverty and desperate to fit in, obeying the rules is not easy. In a bid to gain the...
Empty Corridors: Learning to Fail
Price: $4.68 USD. Words: 102,350. Language: English. Originally Published: April 1, 2022 by Paul Douglas Lovell. Categories: Nonfiction » Social Science » Social psychology, Nonfiction » LGBTQ+ » Biographies, Nonfiction » Biography » Criminals & outlaws
Paul isn't at school to learn, he's there to be fed. Though they often have no voice, a problematic child will more than likely have a tale to tell. Not that Paul would ever let slip the shame he hides. Weighed down for so long with insecurities, the scruffy kid already feels isolated from his peers. These formative years of secondary school, where confidence can be shattered by a single taunt...
Paulyanna International Rent-boy
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 140,790. Language: English. Originally Published: February 11, 2022 by Paul Douglas Lovell. Categories: Nonfiction » LGBTQ+ » Biographies, Nonfiction » Biography » Personal memoir, Nonfiction » Biography » Criminals & outlaws
Paulyanna: International Rent-boy is an honest and frank portrayal of a working-class male prostitute's life. Many factors contribute in delivering the main character onto the streets. Some very typical, such as early abandonment, poverty, lack of education and sexual abuse. But Paul does not dwell too much on the past and refuses to allow these events to mar his ambition. At eighteen a lost...

Paul Douglas Lovell's tag cloud

childhood    haiku    japanese    memoirs    nature    nostalgia    poetry    senryu    seventies    short form poetry    switzerland    tanka