Rafael Lopez


Rafael Lopez is a poet, writer, actor, artist, knight and more who resides in Southern California when not off crafting magic within his world of Eath. Inspired by the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, his favorite author, he first conjured ideas for Eath as the base for a boardgame at age eleven. Recording his visions, he began developing a vast history and culture for the land's kingdoms and inhabitants, then by his eighteenth birthday completed the first draft of Volume One for a book series titled THE LEGEND OF MIRALD, along with short stories about a hero named Lastenberg. Between the ages of sixteen and seventeen he had also composed a collection of poems for Eath, thereafter inventing the names and lives of fictitious poets with different styles and voices. A WORLD OF WORDS is the result, a volume of verse introducing his elaborate fantasy.

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Smashwords book reviews by Rafael Lopez

  • Tears of Love on Aug. 01, 2011

    A great story that feels it is told to you and not read. The painful memories expressed by a boy who has lost so much. "Tears Of Love" By Jerry McKinney is a tale that is quick to read but full of character as you listen in on a story told to no one else but you. It has a wide range of emotions that will leave you feeling them all. I am happy I read it!
  • Lie Canthropy on Aug. 01, 2011

    Jerry McKinney wrote a wonderfully mysterious, suspenseful, and at times gruesome story that leaves you seeking answers until the end. A very good tale of horror that is unique to any werewolf stories I know of.
  • Feed on Oct. 08, 2011

    A truly gruesome story to feed the appetite of vampire and horror fans alike. Jerry McKinney is a great story-teller whose characters make you feel their emotions.
  • In Extremis on Oct. 24, 2011

    "In Extremis" by Jerry W. McKinney is a well written horror story that gives a unique perspective on a Zombie Apocalypse. It tells of a group of survivors brought together by faith who find sanctuary in a church and their struggle to cope with what has happened.