Raleigh Damson


Raleigh Damson has always loved getting the voices out of her head by committing them to paper. She believes in happy ever afters and is living a dream come true. Raleigh is an indulgent wife to one and a Momma Bear to two, rescuer of plants and wearer of fuzzy socks.

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Bandit Brothers
The Bandit Brothers Series follows Canadian Alpha Dom private operatives as they meet and protect their love interests while risking it all.


Flame For Two: A Contemporary Ménage Romance
Series: Bandit Brothers, 2. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 82,600. Language: English. Published: August 3, 2022 . Categories: Fiction » Romance » Contemporary, Fiction » Erotica » Menage & Multiple Partners
Xander Montague: Billionaire. Co-CEO, with Goth vibes and plenty of secrets, rescued Harper Blake from her crime family’s snare. As she grew into his capable executive assistant, he fell for her hard. But he won’t give in to his desire after his last long-term relationship with a submissive left him with a broken heart and shook his belief in being a Dom.

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