Ruby.K Gold


She is shy and reserved, which may account for her exceptional listening skills. She may be covering up her true identity to live a private life, or she may be living the secret life of a superhero or a supervillain.

She enjoys cooking and trying new dishes from around the world. Her favorite dishes include British lamb stew, Indian Masala Dosa and salty donuts, American Hamburger and Apple Pie, Pakistani pickled chicken and Chapel Kebab, Filipino Adobo, Sinigang, and Halo-Halo, Italian pizza, Chinese Beef Wonton, and Japanese Sushi.

She prefers simple clothing and avoids heavy make-up; light lipstick is all she needs to look awesome. She enjoys traveling and meeting people from all over the world. She enjoys singing, writing, and experimenting with different genres.

To get all the information about her published and upcoming books, important announcements, and to find her on social media:

Where to find Ruby.K Gold online

Twitter: @Ruby_K_Gold
Facebook: Facebook profile

Where to buy in print


In Pursuit of Death
Namsu was a prince, but he spent his childhood in the tiny home of a pyramid builder. Pharaoh Aa-ton, his birth father, was a tyrant, and his sorcerers predicted that he would die at the hands of his son. As a result, he ordered the execution of all male newborns in his palace. Namsu's mother, Queen Nefertiti, hid him from the Pharaoh to save his life. His childhood best friend betrays him... A strange event causes him to become immortal. He was perplexed as to how this could happen. Can he live indefinitely? And death will never affect him? To put this to the test, he scratched his arm with a dagger... Nomsu's friends are coming soon in upcoming books. This book series is full of Action, Adventure, Black Magic, Bravery, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Good vs Evil, Heroism, Horror, Mystery, Mysticism, Myths, Mythological Creatures and Characters, Paranormal, Science Fiction, thriller, Selflessness, Time Travel, White Magic Etc... and a lot more surprises to come.
Pharaoh's Destruction
Price: $2.99 USD.
On the Gallows
Price: $2.99 USD.


On the Gallows
Series: In Pursuit of Death, Book 3. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 29,810. Language: English. Published: January 14, 2023 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Young adult or teen » Adventure
This is the third book in the "In Pursuit Of Death" series. Namsu is about to enter the valleys of Babylon and Nineveh. Where the Tigris and Euphrates River-dependent civilizations were at their peak five thousand years ago, there was rule of Nimrod, who referred to himself as God. Here, we will follow Namsu to see what he is up to and what happens when he meets this cruel and murderous emperor.
Pharaoh's Destruction
Series: In Pursuit of Death, Book 2. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 25,330. Language: English. Published: December 10, 2022 . Categories: Fiction » Young adult or teen » Fantasy, Fiction » Children’s books » Comics & Graphic Novels / Superheroes
Dear readers! When we last saw Namsu in the previous book, he was sailing out of Egypt after becoming immortal, after his childhood friend Kherman murdered his mother, Queen Nefertiti, and Uncle Pharaoh Akhenaton. He didn't know whether he was cursed or blessed, but he was sure that he would never die.

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