Sabrina Capitano

Smashwords Interview

What motivated you to become an indie author?
I used to write stories and publish them freely on the web, always hiding behind some kind of username, deathly afraid of anyone ever knowing who I was. I found I liked writing poetry better and was doing the same with that, under a new alias. All I wanted to do was hide in a shell, never sharing any creation of mine, never showing much in the way of my real personality. Finally, I met someone that I opened up to, truly connected and felt like I had finally become a whole person, and that made less afraid of the world, and less caring of it's judgement. I do like to keep to myself, but I want to start sharing my creations rather they are enjoyable for a quick moment, or if they can actually move someone. You never know if you never do it.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
When I truly write a poem that captures just what I feel. When it's finished and I feel like all emotion has been poured onto the page. Sometimes I write a poem and it feels like I hit a wall in the way of expressing my emotions, most times the words I'm looking for come to me when I least expect it. But nothing can beat the satisfaction of a piece that is exactly what you wanted to say, even if only you know what it says.
Read more of this interview.

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