Seagull Editions

Toto Bird and Little Pig
Series: TOTO BIRD, Book 3. Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 19,510. Language: English. Originally Published: January 23, 2024 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Fairy tales, Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » General
In "Toto Bird and Little One," join Little One, a short-tempered pig, on a heartwarming adventure to save Susanne, their kind caretaker, from the clutches of evil Elton. Little One forms an unlikely alliance with Toto Bird, a majestic creature with extraordinary abilities. Together, they navigate the challenges of Sanctuary, a haven for animals facing peril. As they unravel a sinister plot...
Lo Stercopiteco
Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 19,970. Language: Italian. Originally Published: January 18, 2024 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Humor & comedy » Satire, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General
In una calda e apparentemente anonima estate nel Cilento, viene fatta una scoperta incredibile: il corpo di un uomo mummificato nelle sue feci. Sembra incredibile ma è così. Gli scienziati Fontana e Pucci dovranno scavare nella vita di Ermanno Tirone per capire cosa lo ha portato a diventare lo Stercopiteco. Amori che finiscono, rabbia repressa, problemi sul lavoro, amicizie interrotte, Ermanno...
I Signori del Cazzeggio
Price: $10.00 USD. Words: 53,840. Language: Italian. Originally Published: January 12, 2024 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Fantasy » General
Può un innocuo gioco di fantasia trasformarsi in una terribile realtà fatta di orrori e mostri raccapriccianti?Forse sì, ma non è questo il caso.Tre amici, che hanno fatto del cazzeggio il loro stile di vita, decidono di provare un gioco di ruolo innovativo, scaricando una nuova applicazione per smartphone: LM Heroes.Per un'avventura ancora più immersiva, i tre ragazzi aggiornano l'applicazione...
The Artist is Naked! Confessions of a Creative Professional
Price: $8.00 USD. Words: 27,030. Language: English. Originally Published: January 10, 2024 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Biographical, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General
Embark on a captivating biographical manual exploring the tumultuous yet triumphant journey of an artist navigating the labyrinth of creativity. This intimate narrative unveils the struggles of a modern artist, entwining the challenges of technological evolution and the timeless pursuit of passion. From the delicate dance with digitization to the echoes of age-old artistic yearnings, the pages...
Zio Cane
Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 27,720. Language: Italian. Originally Published: January 8, 2024 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Crime
Vincenzo, detto Zio Cane, è un vecchietto burbero con l'insulto facile. Quando un giorno qualcuno gli ruba la sua adorata Panda rossa, Vincenzo scende in guerra con il prezioso aiuto del suo amico Gianni: vuole ritrovare la sua auto ad ogni costo. Tra mafiosi che si credono popstar, ragazzi in cerca di affetto e carabinieri indolenti, Zio Cane le tenterà tutte per ritrovare la sua amata Panda...
Il Signore Dei Fornelli
Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 29,150. Language: Italian. Originally Published: January 2, 2024 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Mystery & detective » General, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense
Sandro Volpini è una leggenda nel mondo della cucina. Venerato e amato dalla critica, temuto dai suoi collaboratori, sempre sulla cresta dell'onda. Non potrebbe essere più diverso dal suo socio in affari, lo chef Pedrazzi: allucinato, pittoresco, sempre nel suo mondo e costantemente annebbiato dalle droghe. Nonostante qualche screzio dovuto alla differenza di visioni e di carattere, al...
Il Maledetto
Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 21,170. Language: Italian. Originally Published: December 20, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Horror, Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Psychological thriller
Joe, il proprietario di un negozio di fumetti locale, è un ragazzo piuttosto sfortunato. Dotato di un disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo e di un'incombente maledizione che pare colpire tutto nella sua vita, sembra non riuscire a darsi pace. È allora che incontra Heather e il suo gruppo di cultisti di Dungeons and Dragons, e tutto cambia. Riuscirà ad uscirne vivo? Alla fine, il suo migliore amico...
Il Mio Fratello Cattivo
Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 20,070. Language: Italian. Originally Published: December 19, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Psychological thriller
Un'estate a giocare con i videogiochi era tutto ciò che Sam aveva pianificato mentre i suoi genitori erano completamente immersi nel lavoro. La sua vita era piatta e monotona, finché un giorno Brennan, il fratello maggiore, si rifà vivo dopo una lunga assenza. Il loro legame è forte come in passato, e Sam trascorre tutta l'estate con lui, imparando alcuni trucchi come il furto, le truffe e...
Series: Mariani, Book 2. Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 27,000. Language: Italian. Originally Published: December 13, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Psychological
Apparentemente lontano dalla dinamicità della quotidianità romana, Livio, un ultracinquantenne in apparenza ingenuo e un po' strambo, un giorno entra in un Tattoo Shop di Rione Monti e realizza il desiderio di farsi tatuare sulla propria pelle il nome del padre Lorenzo, che lo aveva accudito con molto affetto fino alla sua morte. Saranno i tatuatori a far piombare Livio in una seconda...
Series: Mariani, Book 3. Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 30,070. Language: English. Originally Published: December 13, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Psychological thriller
In un'estate ardente, Alessio, pariolino figlio di un noto regista e produttore, si trova da solo nella quasi desolata capitale, in cui guida spericolato nella notte, collezionando multe su multe, e trascorrendo il tempo libero a chattare e a masturbarsi. Alessio non trova pace e s'impasticca cercando in tutti i modi possibili di nascondere quasi con successo la sua sofferenza, datagli dall...
Series: Mariani, Book 1. Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 30,360. Language: Italian. Originally Published: December 6, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Urban, Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Psychological
Quando il bullismo tra i banchi di scuola e una serie interminabile di dubbi determinata da una situazione familiare intrisa di menzogne prendono il controllo totale della mente di Alessandro, il ragazzo decide di far affidamento sul suo migliore amico Massimiliano. La travolgente voglia di dare una svolta alla sua vita lo porta a smettere di essere l'alunno modello appassionato di Letteratura...
Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 25,780. Language: Italian. Originally Published: December 6, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Humor & comedy » Satire, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General, Fiction » Romance » Romantic Comedy
Giorgio - per amici e conoscenti "Zaganini" - lavora come impiegato e conduce una vita noiosa e solitaria. È però da sempre vittima di un vizietto di cui non riesce a liberarsi e che lo mette spesso in situazioni di imbarazzo. Quale sarà la soluzione? Un banale psicologo? Un sedicente sciamano trovato online? Una farm segreta? Una catapecchia abbandonata dove riflettere? Un uomo timido e...
Beach Boy
Series: Mariani, Book 4. Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 30,530. Language: Italian. Originally Published: December 6, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Urban, Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Mystery & detective » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General, Fiction » LGBTQ+ » Gay
Una sera, il ventiduenne Emanuele dai favolosi capelli lunghi e biondi, grande amante del surf, dei Beach Boys e delle spiagge californiane, mentre è in procinto di tornare a casa, si ritrova ad assistere a qualcosa di terribile. Mentre osserva, capisce prontamente di essere diventato involontariamente testimone di un omicidio che però non sa se è avvenuto per davvero, se si è trattato di un...
Tre Fratelli
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 20,030. Language: Italian. Originally Published: December 2, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Crime
In un tranquillo paese gestito dalla mafia locale, tre fratelli conducono le loro attività onestamente. Massimo, Gianni e Filippo sono gli unici a non pagare l'assicurazione al boss "don Gennaro". Ma ad un certo punto, qualcosa sta per cambiare: in paese arriva "il Lupo". Nessuno sa chi sia. Persino la polizia è in difficoltà. Il Lupo si aggira nel mistero più assoluto, estorcendo denaro ai...
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 29,980. Language: Italian. Originally Published: November 30, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Psychological
Enrico ha quarantatré anni e vive a casa con la madre, in attesa di un fatidico concorso. Lavora da casa, e molto. Tutti i ragazzi del quartiere lo temono e lo conoscono come un severissimo insegnante privato. Ma adesso Enrico sta per aprire gli occhi. I suoi amici si sono sistemati e lui non fa altro che passeggiare da solo e arrabbiarsi con il mondo, in attesa che qualcosa possa cambiare...
The Hole in the Wall
Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 22,850. Language: English. Originally Published: November 17, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Mystery & detective » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Supernatural
Omiros Skarlatos has lived all of his thirty-odd years in a small village in mountainous northern Greece, when, one day, a seemingly unassuming call by the family lawyer informed him that he was the closest relative to his recently deceased uncle. Vasilis Skarlatos had been something of a black sheep in the family, the only one among dozens of uncles and aunts in the complicated Skarlatos...
Mare Mare
Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 24,610. Language: Italian. Originally Published: November 13, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Biographical
Un artista decide di ripercorrere alcuni momenti della sua vita attraverso un suo profondo legame: il mare. Il mare è libertà ed evasione, ma è anche desiderio di andare oltre l'orizzonte, volontà di affrontare il buono e il cattivo tempo. Il mare assomiglia molto alla vita e al viaggio. Questo memoriale intimo raccoglie esperienze di vita, in giro per il mondo. Flash brevi o lunghi che...
I Film in Testa
Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 29,980. Language: Italian. Originally Published: November 10, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Literature » Literary
Tommaso non è un ragazzo come gli altri. Da qualche tempo, è convinto di avere un potere soprannaturale, di poter vedere oltre la superficie delle cose. Per questo motivo, ha deciso di tenere un diario, dove appunta le sue sensazioni, le sue visioni e tiene traccia del suo umore. Gli amici gli dicono che è un ingenuo, che si inventa le cose, che si fa "i film in testa". Ma Tommaso crede...
Lena Graf
Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 41,090. Language: Italian. Originally Published: November 7, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense
Greta è una giovane ragazza che vive in un paesino del Sud Italia. La sua vita è divisa tra la scrittura della sua tesi di laurea, il lavoro presso le strutture alberghiere del padre e il fidanzato Gianmarco. Greta non è felice. Vorrebbe vivere una vita diversa, lontana dai suoi genitori poco comprensivi e dal fidanzato, che considera noioso e che vorrebbe lasciare. Il problema è che il momento...
Ancient Revenge
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 23,580. Language: English. Originally Published: October 22, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Supernatural
In modern-day Japan, in the heart of the massive metropolis of Tokyo, Aoki Ekei grew up in the fold of the yakuza crime syndicate led by Yoshiro Sagara. The Sagaras, hailing from a long line tracing back to feudal Japan, hold onto their members—some literally owned by the crime family, like Aoki himself—with an iron fist of tradition and fear. To leave the yakuza means meeting a certain and...
My Name Is Ophelia
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 20,650. Language: English. Originally Published: October 18, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Romance » General, Fiction » Romance » Suspense
Ophelia, a young lady in her early twenties finds love in the eyes of a local writer, Edward Turner. Attracted to his art, and he to her name, their love blossoms. Fate however plays its card on Ophelia as the tables turn, and Edward's love wilts into emotional abuse. Ophelia endures in silence, growing estranged from family and friends. Unable to handle Edward's continuous gaslighting...
Lonely Hearts
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 27,190. Language: English. Originally Published: October 18, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Romance » General, Fiction » Romance » Romantic Comedy
Tori just wants to advance her career as a chef. Her next-door neighbour Sy just wants to find a girlfriend. Tori is always making too much noise late at night when Sy is trying to sleep. Sy's dates always interrupt Tori's nights off. Soon, what starts as a minor disagreement turns into an all-out war. The more the two try to avoid each other, the more they are drawn together. They may both be...
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 28,310. Language: English. Originally Published: October 18, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Urban, Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Romance » General
Gisela leaves behind her entire life in Spain – her family, her village, and her boyfriend – to attend university in Helsinki, Finland. There Gisela hopes to forget about her past and reinvent herself with new friends, a new look, and a new lease on life. But Gisela quickly learns that becoming someone different isn't as easy as she assumed. Her friends may not like the real her but only the...
Luckily It's Not Raining
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 29,490. Language: English. Originally Published: October 18, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Romance » General
Marta Rice, a modest baker in a small town was faced with losing her dream job. All her life, what she wanted was to live quietly as a baker, and earn modestly for her and her mother but, life isn't a wish granting factory. The bakery she had worked at for seven years was going to close down, and knowing she had no other skills she could bank on, her life was about to take a huge nosedive...
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 29,930. Language: Italian. Originally Published: October 18, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Urban, Fiction » Romance » General
Il sogno di Martina è crollato per sempre da un giorno all'altro. Lei credeva di essere felice, di avere tanti amici e una cerchia di follower cospicua sui social network. Ma abbracciare per la prima volta Salvo, un cantante trap molto popolare, dopo anni dall'inizio della loro relazione porta con sé una verità che Martina non si aspetta. La felicità svanisce. E svaniscono anche gli amici di...
Return to the Dark Room
Series: Dark Room, Book 2. Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 21,300. Language: English. Originally Published: October 12, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General
In the heart of Berlin's opulent parties and underground tantric clubs, Eva embarks on a tumultuous journey of self-discovery. For a year, her life had been entwined with Henri, a man who offered excitement and chaos in equal measure. But as their passionate romance unfolds, Eva realizes she's spiraling into a world that she's losing control of. Danger lurks in every corner, and she yearns to...
Price: $6.00 USD. Words: 41,010. Language: Italian. Originally Published: October 4, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary
Rivalutare e riconoscere. Nessuno crederà che ciò che ho detto sia vero, in questo viaggio c'è tutta la speranza della completa rinascita, spirito in intelletto attraverso lievi scosse corporee, tentazioni piene di fascino. Nessun codice Fenicio, niente ombre alate ad accompagnare la partenza per un itinerario sulle prime approssimato... Ogni pietra inseguita e lasciata alle spalle, viene...
La Leggenda del Nano Incazzato e delle Sue Mega Zoccole Mutanti
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 20,270. Language: Italian. Originally Published: October 4, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Humor & comedy » Satire, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General
Nelle fogne di Napoli, per via di un incidente chimico, un Nano diventa un super eroe, ma non è l'unico. Infatti, come lui, anche il suo esercito di zoccole (cioè topine) inizia a mutare e parlare acquisendo superpoteri anormali. Decidono, allora, di unirsi per punire una serie di antagonisti che rappresentano i peccati capitali. Da questo romanzo satirico e demenziale che unisce dialettale...
Un'Estate da Leoni
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 19,990. Language: Italian. Originally Published: September 26, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Literature » Literary
Durante una tranquilla serata al bar, Giovanni e Simone sono sorpresi dall'arrivo di un vecchio amico, scomparso dal paese ormai da dieci anni. Alessandro – detto il Matto – era la loro guida, il ragazzo più grande, quello che aveva sempre la risposta giusta al momento giusto. Proprio come allora, anche oggi è in grado di coinvolgerli con una delle sue idee strampalate. Alla soglia dei trent...
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 20,030. Language: Italian. Originally Published: September 22, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Humor & comedy » Satire, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General
In una periferia grigia e anonima della provincia, nessuno pensa a fare comunità. Le giornate scorrono tutte identiche, scandite dai turni del bar e dai bip delle casse al supermercato. Il massimo dell'azione è il viavai delle vecchie comare della zona, che fanno la spola tra la parrucchiera e le loro abitazioni. Eppure, quasi ognuno degli abitanti del quartiere è oberato da uno stile di vita...
Politically Incorrect
Price: $4.00 USD. Words: 21,660. Language: English. Originally Published: September 18, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Science fiction » Utopias & dystopias, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General
In a relentless pursuit of truth, investigative journalist Brandon races to expose a dark conspiracy involving corrupt officials and corporate giants. But when the line between reality and deception blurs, he unwittingly becomes a pawn in a high-stakes game of power. As his world crumbles, Brandon grapples with the consequences of his actions, unraveling a web of intrigue that threatens to...
Series: ODD STORIES, Book 6. Price: $3.00 USD. Words: 21,270. Language: English. Originally Published: September 17, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Supernatural
A man lost in the city of Boston. He has a purpose, something to take care of, a place he must reach. He's filled with despair as his journey becomes difficult and weird. A sense of urgency guides him, his instincts convey to him the importance of his purpose. He must not fail. Will he make it? Why does the universe seem to be against him? Why does everything work against him? These thoughts...
The Guard
Price: $3.99 USD. Words: 32,620. Language: English. Originally Published: August 11, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General
Robert is everything that the residents of Windsor Hill Gardens, an exclusive gated community in the English countryside, could want from their head of security. He's always available to help with any problem, even if it is outside of his job description. He sees everything that goes on behind closed doors and knows all of the wealthy resident's secrets. He is well aware that their perfect...
Series: ODD STORIES, Book 5. Price: $2.49 USD. Words: 20,670. Language: English. Originally Published: August 3, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense
Cosmetic Insecurity is something that has defined Jenny Barnes' existence for years now, especially as she clocks forty. She's dating a millionaire, gets to live a luxurious life yet she can't manage to be content. She wants to look less her age, she wants to be super rich, but Jenny's greatest need is to satisfy her ridiculously high level of libido. These frivolities take a backseat among...
Pulp Core 5
Series: Pulp Core, Book 5. Price: $2.49 USD. Words: 19,290. Language: English. Originally Published: August 2, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General
These three stories explore the theme of desire and how it shows itself in different people. Desire will always be an emotion that brings out the adventurous part of human nature. Once a need is followed, the fulfilment of a person's desire and fantasies would leave them happy, satisfied, and in a better mind space to face the rest of their life. These stories show the beauty of people going...
S.P.E. 03 - Dude Gets Updated!
Series: Space Post Express, Book 3. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 26,170. Language: English. Originally Published: July 31, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Adventure, Fiction » Science fiction » Space opera
Tod and Phil, the reckless and adventurous Space Post Express couriers, have faced terrible dangers and survived to tell the tale. But in every space courier's career, there comes a time when they'll need to face their inner demons, the darkness they carry within. Or at least that's what Phil would try to tell his girlfriend, to describe this adventure in a way that would make him the hero. For...
The Model Hunter
Price: $3.49 USD. Words: 32,640. Language: English. Originally Published: July 31, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense
Mark Bentley will do anything to be more than just an assistant at a creative agency. He's willing to fake his entire life just to pretend to live the life he wants. He will put himself into debt to afford expensive clothes and impress the beautiful models he works with. His eye is on Samantha, a glamorous but slightly unhinged model who is just as obsessed with fame and status as Mark is. They...
The Dark Room
Series: Dark Room, Book 1. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 21,170. Language: English. Originally Published: June 29, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General
In a collision of two worlds, Eva finds herself torn between the confines of a dull relationship and the allure of a secret life of underground clubs and hedonistic pleasures. A manager at a designer boutique in Berlin, Eva has always tried to keep balance. Work, her boyfriend Ken, and her very limited circle of friends on one hand, and her desires on the other. As her dissatisfaction with her...
Anal: The Voice of the Common Man
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 23,530. Language: English. Originally Published: June 23, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Humor & comedy » Satire, Fiction » Humor & comedy » General
In this thought-provoking tale of self-discovery, join Hank as he navigates the complex tapestry of life, art, and the human experience. With an avid passion for writing, a deep love for movies, and an unyielding curiosity about the world, Hank embarks on a journey of reflection and growth. Having lived as a nomad for years, Hank finds himself at a crossroads, yearning for a place to call his...
Price: $4.49 USD. Words: 83,240. Language: English. Originally Published: May 18, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Science fiction » General, Fiction » Science fiction » Utopias & dystopias, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General
The Virus, follows Corinne, a new mother, on a painful journey to bring her remaining family together after the majority of human life has been lost following a biological warfare attack. Set in the near future, the sun rarely shines on a dying Earth which has been infected by global warming and human consumption. Only the rich can afford to breath air free of pollution. Corinne is nine months...
The Rape of Penny and Julia
Price: $4.99 USD. Words: 107,650. Language: English. Originally Published: May 18, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Women's fiction » Chick lit, Fiction » Coming of age, Fiction » Women's fiction » Feminist, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Crime
This is the story of two Swedish girls, of alcohol, sex and drugs. It is a story of abuse and harassment, in a Stockholm that few people know about. Amnesty International has declared Sweden to be the European country with the highest incidence of reported rape and the lowest rate of convictions. Penny and Julia attend high school, go to parties, confront love. Their days are divided between...
Friend of the Dead
Price: $2.49 USD. Words: 35,500. Language: English. Originally Published: May 18, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Horror, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Supernatural
Charlotte is a friend of ghosts. They smile at her, joke around, and are otherwise good fun… Until one day, she realizes that there is something a lot more sinister going on. The police dig up the bones of a child buried in a circle of smiling dolls, and a vision of a terrified little girl appears to Charlotte, hands choking herself and eyes begging for help. Friend of the Dead is a horror...
Out of Time
Price: $2.49 USD. Words: 40,170. Language: English. Originally Published: May 18, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense
Jack boards a train and heads to the bathroom, leaving his personal effects unguarded. What happens when an opportunistic thief notices and acts on impulse? What will happen in the bathroom? Will Jack survive and will he see his family again? With thrilling suspense as hard to keep up with as the high speed train they're on, Out of Time contains Crime, intrigue, drama and suspence.
Three Summer Stories
Price: $5.00 USD. Words: 29,520. Language: English. Originally Published: June 16, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Literature » Literary, Fiction » Romance » General
Dive into a captivating collection of interconnected stories that intertwine the themes of summertime, goodbyes, change, and romance. In "Watching The Sea," Giulia's discovery of Alessia's secret affair sets off a chain of events that tests their friendship and explores the true meaning of loyalty. Against the charming backdrop of a seaside town, they navigate hidden desires and self-discovery...
Imperium II
Series: Imperium, Book 2. Price: $2.49 USD. Words: 31,310. Language: English. Originally Published: June 16, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Science Fiction
Kajsa Korons, the most powerful gladiator in Imperium, is offered a new life as an assassin by the Potentate. She agrees, hoping to use her new position to free the slaves of Imperium. When she discovers that the Potentate has no intention of keeping his promise, she must decide whether to continue on his path or to defy him and risk everything.
The Girl from Copenhagen
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 33,290. Language: English. Originally Published: June 15, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General
All Ellen wants is to escape her abusive ex and start a new life in Stockholm. For once she is in control, flirting with men at her waitressing job on the search for extra tips and hook ups. When her new co-worker Sandra encourages her to enter an even darker world of parties and drugs, they come up with a plan to seduce and rob their richer customers. Luckily for Ellen, there's a regular who...
The Erotic Novel - A Handbook For Writers
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 20,200. Language: English. Originally Published: June 6, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Nonfiction » Biography, Nonfiction » Social Science » Storytelling, Nonfiction » Reference » Publishing & books, Nonfiction » Education & Study Guides » Literacy » Composition & creative writing
"The Erotic Novel" is the perfect manual for writers who want to master the craft of erotic fiction. Written by experienced erotic fiction author Kylie, this manual provides a comprehensive guide to writing captivating and arousing stories. With clear, concise and engaging writing, Kylie covers everything from character development and dialogue to exploring different themes and styles in the...
Liquid Metal
Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 30,040. Language: English. Originally Published: June 6, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » General, Fiction » Thriller & suspense » Action & suspense, Fiction » Themes & motifs » Crime
Joan Marksman isn't the type to sit around waiting for answers, she chases after them instead. So when an exciting yet strange case is dropped into her laps, she does everything possible to solve them even at the risk of her own demons surfacing. At first everything seems clear and Joan finds herself getting closer to the bottom of the case. However, when a shady organization recruits her for...
Pulp Core 4
Series: Pulp Core, Book 4. Price: $2.49 USD. Words: 20,740. Language: English. Originally Published: May 18, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » General
These three stories explore the main subject of passion and how it manifests in different people for different reasons. The passion that is borne from proving people wrong and liberating oneself. Passion that has been and will always be that encourages one to reach out and discover even newer things. Passion that oftentimes feel hard to connect with, but despite the struggles, the beauty is...
Cyne – Ecstasy of the Unchosen (Part VI)
Series: CYNE THE UNCHOSEN, Book 6. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 22,540. Language: English. Originally Published: May 18, 2023 by Seagull Editions. Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Science Fiction, Fiction » Fantasy » General, Fiction » Fantasy » Epic
After a miraculous and almost inexplicable trial of the soul, Cyne was reunited with Medwyn. She is happy again but her true trial is only just beginning as she must navigate the political intricacies of her dark-magic. When the Mirati people, and discontented nobles, believe she's a dark-magic sorceress who brought their beloved king back from the dead with a forbidden ritual, Cyne is faced...
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