Shaina Kochar


I Mm Mess to Messenger
Series: Motivation, Women, Inspiration, Book 1. Price: $1.21 USD. Words: 26,410. Language: English. Originally Published: April 14, 2023 by Authors Tree Publishing. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Motivation & inspiration
"I am" are two of the most powerful words in the English language. Whatever you attach to "I am" creates your reality. These words carry tremendous weight and influence over your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Remember, the power of "I am" is in your hands. Choose to use it wisely and positively, and watch as it transforms your life. This book will help you to train your mind for the better...
आकर्षण का सिद्धांत
Series: MIRACULOUS POWERS OF SUBCONSCIOUS MIND, Book 1. Price: $1.30 USD. Words: 17,700. Language: Hindi. Originally Published: March 25, 2022 by Author Tree Publishing. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Religion & self-improvement, Nonfiction » Inspiration » General self-help
मैं ये जानकर काफी गर्वित महसूस कर रही हूं कि मेरी प्रिय शिष्य शायना, लॉ ऑफ अट्रैक्शन यानी आकर्षण के सिद्धान्त के बारे में अपनी पहली हिंदी भाषी पुस्तक लेकर आ रही है। मैं जानती हूं कि शायना लॉ ऑफ अट्रैक्शन का सिर्फ अभ्यास ही नहीं करती बल्कि वह इसको जीती है और इस किताब को पढ़ने के बाद आप भी ये महसूस करेंगे। पूजा पुनीत प्रसिद्ध लाइफ कोच एवं लेखिका (अनलॉकिंग द गोल्डन केज) लेखिका के बारे में : शायना...
I am : Disaster to Master
Series: Self-help/Motivational/Anthology, Book 1. Price: $1.83 USD. Words: 44,670. Language: English. Originally Published: October 1, 2022 by Author Tree Publishing. Categories: Nonfiction » Self-improvement » Motivation & inspiration
'I AM' is not a statement or a sentence. 'I AM' is a mind-set; it is a way of life. Whenever we put 'I am' in front of anything it becomes our identity. When someone asks you what are you! Or who are you! We always answer with 'I am a doctor' or 'I am a teacher' or 'I am a business person'. We reveal our identity with 'I am'. People start to see us in the same way. We train them to see us just...