Sibyl Grey


Sibyl Grey is a prolific erotica author. Her titles include the popular Sex Diary Series and Fifty Shades of Granny.
When Sibyl is not writing she enjoys tending to her large organic garden and meditating beside her koi pond at her Hinterland property.

Where to find Sibyl Grey online

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Smashwords book reviews by Sibyl Grey

  • Guardians of the Tri-Parenje: Shadows of Ecstasy on Feb. 03, 2013

    Loved it! A HOT and exciting read. It follows the adventures of Sloan after she has been rescued by two hot guys. Sloan starts off with a pretty mundane boring life, but she is soon drawn into an exciting and sometimes dangerous world in which she knows nothing about. She does have two really hot guys to guide her through which is always helpful – lucky girl. The plot takes unexpected twists and turns as the book draws you in to a magical and exhilarating world with a touch of mystery. As well as being hot the sex scenes are suspenseful and well written. Unlike a lot of erotica, the characters are life like and well rounded. I won’t give too much away, but I really liked the ending. This is a great read and I’m looking forward to the next one coming out.